After the residual gold has been deposited, they no longer
contain any precious metal.
Concerning the recycling of worked out electrolytes after
residual gold deposition, please contact your supplier.
Worked out AGC
Micro gold electrolyte can be sent back
to us for free of charge disposal. In order to save transport
charges it is recommended to accumulate a certain quan-
tity of worked out electrolyte.
Worked out AGC
Micro gold electrolytes which contain
some residual gold have to be refined.
Refining charges on demand.
Worked out electrolytes which are delivered without deli-
very note or with delivery note but without reference to
containing residual gold, will definitely be disposed and not
Residual gold sponges and contact fins should be added to
your usual refining goods.
Returns of AGC
Micro gold electrolyte because of legiti-
mate complaints are certainly excepted from the above
5 5 . . R R e e c c y y c c l l i i n n g g