Lights, alarms, and many
Whether a house door,
other things triggered by
garage, patio or carport,
movement - for your
stairs, a storeroom or cellar
convenience and safety.
are involved, this infrared
The IS 240 DUO motion
The heat thus detected is
sensor is equipped with two
electronically converted and
120° pyro sensors which
switches on connected con-
detect the invisible heat
sumers (e.g. a light). No heat
emitted by moving objects
radiation is detected through
(pedestrians, animals etc.).
obstacles, such as walls or
Area monitored
Reach max. 12 m
approx. 200 m
approx. 5 m
max. 12 m
motion detector is rapidly
installed and ready for
operation anywhere.
glass and no switching
therefore occurs. The two
pyro sensors have a detec-
tion angle of 240° with an
opening angle of 180°.
Important: the safest
motion detection is
obtained when the device is
mounted and aligned later-
ally to the walking direction
and no obstacles (such as
trees and walls, for exam-
ple) obstruct the view.
After the motion detector
the system can be switched
has been connected and
on. Two setting options are
fastened to its wall mount,
available after removing the
Switch-off delay
(time setting)
The desired period of oper-
ation of the light can be
adjusted continuously from
approx. 10 sec. to a max.
of 15 min. When the adjust-
ment screw is at the left
stop position
the shortest time of approx.
10 sec. When the adjust-
ca. 10 sek. - max. 15 min.
approx. 10 sec - max. 15 min
ment screw is at the right
Twilight setting
The desired motion detector
response threshold can be
adjusted continuously from
approx. 2 lux to 2000 lux.
When the adjustment screw
is at the left stop position
this means daytime opera-
tion of approx. 2000 lux.
When the adjustment screw
is at the right stop position
2 - 2000 lux
, this means twilight
operation of approx. 2 lux.
Reach setting/adjustment
also possible by turning the
Assuming an installation
sensor housing
height of 2 m, the maximum
The shrouds
reach of the sensor is 12 m.
divided vertically or horizon-
Optimum adjustment of the
tally along the grooved divi-
detection zone is possible
sions, or cut with scissors
according to needs. The
. After removing the deco-
provided serve
rative ring
to cover any desired num-
are to be suspended on the
ber of lens segments and
upper part of the sensor
individually reduce the
lens. The decorative ring
reach. Fine adjustment is
decorative ring
stop position
, this means
the longest time of approx.
15 min. (factory setting is at
min.). The shortest time set-
ting is recommended when
adjusting the detection zone
, this means
and performing a functional
(Factory setting is daytime
operation.) The adjustment
screw must be at the left
stop position when setting
the detection zone and for
the functional test in
is subsequently to be reap-
by ± 80°.
plied and the shrouds
can be
fixed firmly in place. False
switching by cars and
pedestrians, etc. is there-
fore ruled out, or risk areas
deliberately monitored.
, the shrouds