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1. Introduction & Features
Thank you for buying the VDL75MSB! Please read the manual thoroughly before bringing this device into service.
Make sure there is no damage caused by transportation. Should there be any, don't install and consult your dealer.
2. Safety Instructions
Be very careful during the installation: touching live wires can cause life-threatening electroshocks.
Do not touch the device during operation as the housing heats up.
Keep this device away from rain and moisture.
Unplug the mains lead before opening the housing.
- Damage caused by disregard of certain guidelines in this manual is not covered by the warranty and the dealer will
not accept responsibility for any ensuing defects or problems.
- A qualified technician should install and service this device.
- Do not switch the device on immediately if it has been exposed to changes in temperature. Protect the device
against damage by leaving it switched off until it has reached room temperature.
- This device falls under protection class I. It is therefore essential that the device be earthed. Have this device
installed by a qualified technician.
- Make sure that the available voltage does not exceed the voltage stated in the specifications of this manual.
- Do not crimp the power cord and protect it against damage. Have an authorised dealer replace it if necessary.
- Always disconnect the device from the mains when it is not in use or when you wish to clean it. Handle the power
cord by the plug only. Never tug at the power cord to pull the plug out.
- There may be some smoke or a particular smell when the device is activated for the first time. This is normal and
any smoke or smell will gradually disappear.
- Do not look directly at the light source as sensitive people may go into epileptic seizure if they do.
- Note that damage caused by user modifications to the device are not covered by the warranty.
- Keep the device away from children and unauthorised users.
3. General Guidelines
- This device is designed for professional use on stage, in discos, theatres, etc. The VDL75MSB should only be used
indoors with an alternating current of max. 230V AC/50Hz.
- Lighting effects are not designed for permanent operation: regular operation breaks will make them last longer.
- Do not shake the device. Avoid brute force when installing or operating the device.
- Select a location where the device will be protected against extreme heat, moisture and dust. Respect a minimum
distance of 0.5m between the device's light output and any illuminated surface.
- Use an appropriate safety cable to fix the device (e.g. VDLSC7 or VDLSC8).
- Familiarise yourself with the functions of the device before actually using it. Do not allow operation by unqualified
people. Any damage that may occur will most probably be due to unprofessional use of the device.
- Use the original packaging if the device is to be transported.
- All modifications of the device are forbidden for safety reasons.
- Only use the device for its intended purpose. All other uses may lead to short circuits, burns, electroshocks, lamp
explosion, crash, etc. Using the device in an unauthorised way will void the warranty.



Sommaire des Matières pour HQ Power VDL75MSB

  • Page 1 - Keep the device away from children and unauthorised users. 3. General Guidelines - This device is designed for professional use on stage, in discos, theatres, etc. The VDL75MSB should only be used indoors with an alternating current of max. 230V AC/50Hz.
  • Page 2 - Connect the device to the mains with the power plug. Don’t connect it to a dimming pack. - The installation has to be approved by an expert before the device is taken into service. 5. Use Switch the device on and off by means of the power plug. Do not operate the device continuously. VDL75MSB VELLEMAN...
  • Page 3 Max. Housing Temperature 130°C The information in this manual is subject to change without prior notice. VDL75MSB – MINI SPACE BALL 1. Inleiding en kenmerken Dank u voor uw aankoop! Lees deze handleiding grondig voor u het toestel in gebruik neemt.
  • Page 4 1. Maak de schroefknoppen aan de zijkant van de bal los en verwijder zachtjes de bovenste helft. 2. Verwijder de oude lamp en breng de nieuwe in. 3. Plaats de bovenste helft voorzichtig terug en draai de schroefknoppen vast. Opmerking: Stel het toestel niet in werking wanneer het deksel open is. VDL75MSB VELLEMAN...
  • Page 5 6. Maak het toestel geregeld schoon met een vochtige, niet pluizende doek. Gebruik geen alcohol of solvent. 7. De gebruiker mag geen onderdelen vervangen, behalve de lamp en de zekering (zie “4. Installatie” op blz.4). 8. Bestel eventuele reserveonderdelen bij uw plaatselijke verdeler. VDL75MSB VELLEMAN...
  • Page 6 - Ne regardez pas directement la source lumineuse comme ceci peut entraîner des crises d'épilepsie chez certains gens. - Les dommages occasionnés par des modifications à l'appareil par le client, ne tombent pas sous la garantie. - Gardez votre VDL75MSB hors de la portée de personnes non qualifiées et de jeunes enfants. VDL75MSB...
  • Page 7 - Transportez l'appareil dans son emballage originel. - Toute modification de l’appareil est interdite pour des raisons de sécurité. - N’utilisez votre VDL75MSB qu’à sa fonction prévue. Tout autre usage peut causer des courts-circuits, des brûlures, des électrochocs etc. Un usage impropre annule d'office la garantie.
  • Page 8 250 x 117 x 117mm Poids total 1,7kg Lampe 230V / 75W JDC GX6.35 (référence LAMP100MMF) Température ambiante max. 45°C Température max. du boîtier 130°C Toutes les informations présentées dans ce manuel peuvent être modifiées sans notification préalable. VDL75MSB VELLEMAN...
  • Page 9 VDL75MSB ist nur für den Anschluss an einen AC-Strom von max. 230Vac/50Hz zugelassen und wurde ausschließlich zur Verwendung in Innenräumen konzipiert. - Dieses Gerät eignet sich nicht für langen Gebrauch ohne Unterbrechung. Die Lebensdauer des VDL75MSB erhöht wenn Sie regelmäßig eine Pause einlegen.
  • Page 10 Gerät installieren. Die Installation darf nur von einer Fachkraft durchgeführt werden. - Die Tragkonstruktion für das Gerät muss während 1 Stunde 10 x das erforderliche Gewicht tragen können, ohne dass die Konstruktion sich dadurch verformt. - Das Gerät muss ebenfalls ein geeignetes Sicherheitsfangseil haben. VDL75MSB VELLEMAN...
  • Page 11 F 2A, 250VAC (5 x 20mm) (Best.-Nr. FF2N) Abmessungen 250 x 117 x 117mm Gesamtgewicht 1,7kg Lampe 230V / 75W JDC GX6.35 (Best.-Nr. LAMP100MMF) Max. Umgebungstemperatur 45°C Max. Temperatur Gehäuse 130°C Änderungen in Technik und Ausstattung ohne vorherige Ankündigung vorbehalten. VDL75MSB VELLEMAN...