DR Steam Loco 99 4605
Small four-wheel steam locos like
this one were used by many nar-
row gauge railroads in eastern
Germany. Until the early 1960s,
similar locomotives also operated
on several islands off the northern
German coast.
This detailed replica features:
- weather-resistant construction
- four-way power control switch
- protected gearbox with seven-
pole Bühler motor
- four powered wheels
- one traction tire
- six power pickups
- voltage stabilization circuit
- smoke generator
- automatic directional lanterns
- one multi-purpose socket with
circuit breaker
- length: 245 mm (9.6 in)
- weight: 1700 g (3.7 lb)
With this set, we recommend the
following items:
31400 DR Passenger Car, 901-
40220 DR Bed Frame Gondola
41352 Steam Sound Car, 2 Axle
46265 DR Boxcar, Cab, 99-02-37
48110 DR Covered Gondola
For information on the complete
LGB program, see the LGB cata-
Operating Modes
This model has a four-way power
control switch mounted inside the
cab (Fig. 1, 2):
Position 0: All power off
Position 1: Power to lights and
smoke generator
Position 2: Power to lights, smoke
generator and motor
Position 3: same as Position 2
(factory pre-set)
This model features directional
lighting. The model has a "flat"
multi-purpose socket, with a
removable cover, on the rear of
the loco (Fig. 3). This socket can
be used to provide track power to
cars with lighting or sound elec-
To remove the cover of the sock-
et, pull it straight out. If the cover
is tight, gently use a small straight
screwdriver to pry it out. (Do not
pull out the rectangular outer
Smoke Generator
This model is equipped with a
smoke generator. A small supply
of LGB Smoke and Cleaning
Fluid is included with this model.
For best operation, fill the gener-
ator halfway with fluid. If the gen-
erator is overfilled, it will not con-
vert the fluid into smoke.
Attention! Only use LGB Smoke
and Cleaning Fluid (50010).
Other fluids may damage your
Attention! Never touch the heat-
ing element in the center of the
smoke generator. It is hot and
Hint: The smoke generator can
be run "dry" without smoke fluid.
Power Supply
Attention! For safety and reliabil-
ity, operate this model with LGB
power supplies (transformers,
power packs and controls) only.
The use of non-LGB power sup-
plies will void your warranty.
Use this model with LGB power
supplies with an output of at
least 1 amp. For more informa-
tion on LGB power supplies for
indoor, outdoor and multi-train
operation, see the LGB catalog.
Multi-Train System
This model has a direct decoder
interface. For Multi-Train System
operation, it can be equipped with
one LGB MTS Decoder (55020).
The MTS Decoder Interface
Cable (55026) is not required.
We strongly recommend decoder
installation by an LGB service
station. For more information,
contact your authorized LGB
retailer or an LGB service station