Treatment of medical instruments
- If the ultrasonic cleaning unit is used in connection with disinfectants (medical device, class
IIa) in order to support or to accelerate disinfection, then the ultrasonic unit is considered an
accessory for a medical device and must be classifi ed itself as medical device, class I!
- When disinfecting and cleaning contaminated medical instruments in an ultrasonic bath,
the hygienic safety is important after the treatment. In case of improper and irregular
disinfection and cleaning a micro-biological contamination is possible caused by settlement
of microorganism, especially at the tank rim or in the drain section. Cross infection might be a
result. Therefore, the tank and housing surfaces must be regularly disinfected and cleaned.
According to the hygienic plan the user must carry out regular disinfection and cleaning with a
surface disinfecting agent certifi ed by VAH/DGHM*, or another effi ciently classifi ed agent.
- The instruments may not be placed on the tank bottom. The basket avoids damages at the
instruments and at the tank bottom. Do not staple instruments, overloading reduces the
cleaning effi ciency. Pliers and scissors must be opened completely or detached, if necessary.
Instruments must be completely covered with cleaning liquid, air has to escape from cavities
and hoses.
* Verbund für Angewandte Hygiene (Association for Applied Hygiene) / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie
(German Society of Hygiene and Microbiology)
Remark: Supplementary application information has to be respected.
• Oscillations are too weak and non-uniform, the oscillation
noise is too loud; the cleaning effect is insuffi cient:
- Has the liquid been properly degassed?
- Is the unit overloaded?
- Non-uniform noise (wobbling) is not a defect
• Heating defect:
No objection to operate the unit without the heating.
• Minor erosion marks at the tank bottom?
• The mains fuse can be released.
• Repairs should only be carried out by authorised service.
• Replace defective parts only by original SONOREX parts.
Please inform us about disfunctions in writing.
⇒ common wear and tear effect.
⇒ The unit is equipped with an
sonicate for 15 minutes.
remove some parts.
change the fl uid level.
The unit is faultless.
overvoltage arrestor which
protects it from voltage
peaks; the mains fuse can be
released during overcharge.