WhAt cAN hAppEN
• Over inflation of tires could result in
serious injury and property damage.
• High-velocity fluid spray directed at
pneumatic tire sidewalls (such as
found on automobiles, trailers and
the like) could damage the sidewall
resulting in serious injury.
WhAt cAN hAppEN
• Con t act with hot sur f ac e s, such as
engine exhaust com p o n ents, could
result in se r i o us burn.
WhAt cAN hAppEN
• Serious injury can result from
attempting to lift too heavy an object.
WARNiNG: Risk of BURstiNG
WARNiNG: Risk of hot sURfAcEs
WARNiNG: Risk of iNJURy fRoM liftiNG
Save theSe inStructionS
for future uSe
hoW to pREvENt it
• Use a tire pressure gauge to check the
tires pressure before each use and while
inflating tires; see the tire sidewall for the
correct tire pressure.
NOTE: Air tanks, compressors and similar
equipment used to inflate tires can fill small
tires similar to these very rapidly. Adjust
pressure regulator on air supply to no more
than the rating of the tire pressure. Add air
in small increments and frequently use the
tire gauge to prevent over inflation.
• On pressure washers rated above
1600 psi (11032 kPa) use the widest
fan spray (40º nozzle) and keep the
spray a minimum of 8" (20 cm) from the
pneumatic tire sidewall. Do not aim spray
directly at the joint between the tire and
hoW to pREvENt it
• During op e r a t ion, touch only the control
surfaces of the pres s ure washer. Keep
children away from the pres s ure washer
at all times. They may not be able to
recognize the haz a rds of this product.
hoW to pREvENt it
• The pressure washer is too heavy to be
lifted by one person. Obtain assistance
from others before lifting.
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