DANGER: Risk of iNJURy oR pRop ER ty DAMAGE WhEN
tRANspoRtiNG oR stoRiNG
WhAt cAN hAppEN
• Fuel or oil can leak or spill and could
result in fire or breathing hazard.
Se r ious in j u r y or death can re s ult.
Fuel or oil leaks will dam a ge carpet,
paint or oth e r surfaces in ve h i c les or
• Oil could fill the cylinder and damage
the engine if the unit is not stored or
transported in an upright position.
WhAt cAN hAppEN
• Spray di r ect e d at elec t ri c al outlets or
switch e s, or ob j ects con n ect e d to an
elec t ri c al circuit, could re s ult in a fatal
electrical shock.
WhAt cAN hAppEN
• Use of acids, toxic or corrosive
chemicals, poisons, in s ec t i c ides, or
any kind of flam m a b le solvent with this
product could re s ult in se r i o us injury or
• If pressure washer is equipped with a fuel
Al w ays place pressure washer on a
Always transport and store unit in an
DANGER: Risk of ElEc tRi cAl shock
• Unplug any elec t ri c al l y op e r a t e d product
DANGER: Risk of chEMicAl BURN
• Do not spray ac i ds, gasoline, ker o s ene,
• Wear pro t ec t ive clothing to protect
6- ENG
hoW to pREvENt it
shut-off valve, turn the valve to the OFF
position before transporting to avoid fuel
leaks. If pres s ure wash e r is not equipped
with a fuel shut-off valve, drain the fuel
from tank before trans p ort i ng. Only trans-
port fuel in an OSHA-approved container.
protective mat when transporting to
protect against dam a ge to vehicle from
upright position. Re m ove pres s ure
washer from vehicle immediately upon
arrival at your destination.
hoW to pREvENt it
before attempting to clean it. Direct spray
away from electric out l ets and switches.
hoW to pREvENt it
or any other flammable materials with this
product. Use only household de t er g ents,
cleaners and degreasers recommended
for use with pres s ure washers.
eyes and skin from con t act with sprayed