Activating the main switch A on the right side of
the machine and, in case of double bowls
machine, also the small ones B and C, the
augers will start rotating and mixing (fig.8).
GT is equipped with a very efficient safety
mechanism, if the main cover is not correctly
positioned, GT will not work.
Every time the unit is shut down with the main
switch, it is necessary to wait two minutes
before starting it up again; failure to do so could
damage the unit.
The machine is provided with an electronic
control board that perfectly regulates the
refrigeration system.
With this control board the machine operates in
two different modes:
FROZEN – Once introduced the mix
inside the bowl, switch on the snowflake
button and regulate its consistency with
buttons (fig.9).
DEFROST – This mode, once activated
by the waves button, reduces the
machine energy consumption; the
refrigerating system will automatically
cycle to maintain temperature below 2°C
(fig.9). Use this position when product
will not be requested for hours.
Do not use FROZEN or DEFROST position with
water or sanitizer in the bowl, the machine will
be damaged.
NOTE: in order to activate the DEFROST mode
from the FROZEN one, is necessary to switch off
the snowflake button and then to switch on the
waves one; vice versa to go from the DEFROST
to the FROZEN, it's necessary to shut off the
waves button and then to activate the snowflake
Data di emissione: Dicembre, 2018
Both the snowflake and the waves buttons
activate the refrigeration system, only when
they both are switched off (no LED lit up) the
system is not working.
Every time the cover is removed during the unit
functioning, it is necessary to wait one minute
before repositioning it; failure to do so could
damage the unit
Defrost or wash modes are not to be used in
lieu of proper cleaning or sanitization
procedures at the frequency of federal, state or
local regulatory agencies.
Revisione: 2
Fig. 8
Fig. 9
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