MASTER 600-700-900-1200
This manual has been written to help you operate the MASTER Trowel Series safely. It is intended primarily for
dealers and operators of Paclite Trowels. It is recommended that you keep this manual or a copy of it with the
machine so that it is readily available for reference.
Before you operate or carry out any maintenance on this machine YOU MUST READ and UNDERSTAND this manual.
Should you have ANY QUESTIONS about the safe use or maintenance of this machine after reading this manual,
Uni-corp Europe on +33 (0) 1 49 56 02 82
Paclite reserves the right to change machine specifi cation without prior notice or obligation.
Directions with regard notations
Text in this manual to which special attention must be paid are shown in the following way:
This CAUTION sign indicates a potential hazard, which if ignored, could result in injuries to
the operator and/or those close by, as well as damaging the machine.
This WARNING sign indicates a potential hazard, which if ignored could result in the DEATH
of the operator and/or those close by.