mitter, associating it with the receiver output chosen by the installer. To memorise further keys, repeat the pro-
cedure from the beginning for each key to be memorised. Once the procedure terminates, the memorisation
will occupy a single memory location and the command associated with the memorised key will be that chosen
by the installer from the "List of commands" of the automation's control unit. Note - A key can be associated
with only one output, while the same output can be associated with multiple keys.
PROCEDURE 2 - Mode 2 memorisation (and extended Mode 2)
In the control unit manual: choose the command to be memo-
rised and remember its "identification number".
On the receiver: press and release key A for a number of times
matching the number that identifies the command chosen at
step 01: LED B will flash the same number of times.
On the transmitter with the key to be memorised:
(within 10 seconds) on the transmitter: press and immediately
release the key to be memorised; LED B (on the receiver) will
flash green 3 times (= memorisation completed correctly). (*2)
(*2) Note - If there are other keys to be memorised (belonging to other transmitters) with the same com-
mand, repeat step 03 within the next 10 seconds for each further key to be memorised (the procedure
terminates once this time elapses).
3.3 - Memorising (in the receiver) the control unit Series/Address, for the BusT4 network
The OXILR receiver can interact with a single control unit through the "BusT4" network. If the system contains
multiple control units connected to each other via "BusT4", before carrying out the following procedure the
cable of the "BusT4" network must be disconnected from the control unit on which the Series/Address will be
x No. ....
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