Preparing the installation environment and the external air intake
The Screen fireplace can be installed close to an external or internal wall
as long as it can still be connected to the outdoors or with a permanen-
tly open environment.
Two types of outlets are required for the outdoor connection:
• 2 possibilities * for an obligatory combustion air inlet with a 12.5 cm
diameter (Fig. A).
• 2 possibilities ** for an optional warm air inlet with a 14 cm diameter
(Fig. A): this hole is nonetheless recommended in order to guarantee
a minimum amount of compensation as well as proper room humidity
levels. If this hole should not been created, the fan will only re-circulate
air for heating, drawing it in from the room itself.
Both connections (combustion and heating) can be implemented as
follows, according to the hearth axes:
- one to the right and one to the left (Figs. B and C)
- both to the right (Fig. D)
- on the back part (directly on the SCREEN back) with the combustion air
and ventilation to the left (Fig. E)
- on the back part (directly on the SCREEN back) with the combustion air
to the left and ventilation to the right (Fig. F)
based on the installation requirements, as long as the one closest to the
fireplace is at a minimum distance of 60 cm from the axis of the hearth
and at the lowest possible height with respect to the level of the floor
(about 10 or 20 cm).
Follow the steps below to implement the connections:
- Draw a line along the wall which corresponds to the axis of the hearth
- Draw the centre of the hole for the combustion air intake at a distance
of at least 60 cm from the axis of the hearth and in one of the above-
indicated positions.
- Draw the centre of the hole for the heating air intake, if foreseen,
again at a minimum distance of 60 cm from the axis of the hearth and
in one of the above-mentioned positions.
-create the holes with a core-harvester or a chisel and carefully refine
them afterwards.
A 1-1.5 Amp electrical outlet equipped with grounding and a differential
switch must be provided for upon the installation wall.
Before positioning the fireplace, take into consideration that which is
indicated in the data sheet of its final covering; These indications show
the user how to position the fireplace away from the wall, if necessary,
as well as how to support it above floor level and how to evaluate the
best position for the air-intake holes.
Once the fireplace has been positioned, placed below the hearth, on
the right hand side of the air box (*), located beneath the front of the
hearth, with a belt clamp. Afterwards, connect the other end of the tube
to the 12.5 cm diameter hole in the wall, created previously. Seal well
with silicone.
Fasten, in the same manner, a 14 cm diameter to the WARM air inlet
(**), flexible stainless steel tube to the HEATING AIR INTAKE, located
beneath the rear of the hearth.
Afterwards, connect the other end of the tube to the 14 cm diameter
hole in the wall and seal it.
Apply a protective grille to the external portion of the holes, taking care
to use a grille that does not reduce the section of the conduit.
* If the heating air conduit runs to the right of the fireplace, the auto-re-
gulating valve, positioned on the left during manufacture, will have to be
moved to the right. If this conduit runs to the left then no modifications
are necessary.
air inlet
Air box
air inlet
air inlet
air inlet
air inlet
- 26
Heated air
air inlet
air inlet
air inlet
air inlet
air inlet
air inlet
air inlet