4.3.5. Diode test
Before attempting any resistance measurement, cut off power supply from
the circuit to be measured and make sure that all capacitors are discharged,
if present.
1. Select position
2. Press the MODE key until the symbol
3. Insert the red cable into input terminal Hz%V
terminal COM.
4. Position the leads at the ends of the diode to be tested, respecting the indicated
polarity (see Fig. 6). The value of directly polarized threshold voltage is shown on the
5. If threshold value is equal to 0mV, the P-N junction of the diode is short-circuited.
6. If the display shows the message
respect to the indication given in Fig. 6 or the P-N junction of the diode is damaged.
Fig. 6: Use of the instrument for diode test
EN - 12
is displayed.
and the black cable into input
, the terminals of the diode are reversed with