1.4 Range of application
The pumps of the type series ZPK are adapted for the discharge of slightly polluted liquids with sus-
pended solids (no stones) from private homes, in the industrial sector and agriculture.
The dimension of the suspended solids must not exceed the maximum grit size as mentioned in point
1.3. The pumps must not be used for the discharge of sewages containing excrements.
1.5 Accessories
The pumps of the type series ZPK are delivered with an outlet bend with a nut connector (1¼), to
which a hose (1 in case of ZPK 30, 1
As optional accessory (not included in scope of delivery) a retrofit kit, outlet bend with non-return valve,
with the article number 17016 is available. This is preassembled and consists of:
Bend 90° 1 1/4" IG/AG, non-return valve 1 1/4", straight hose nozzle 1 1/4" with seal for a hose diame-
ter of 25 and 32 mm.
Furthermore, the pumps market with "A" are equipped with a floating switch and the pumps marked
with "KS" are equipped with a compact floating switch for confined spaces.
2. Safety
(from: "VDMA sheet 24 292")
The operation manual at hand provides basic notes which must be taken into account during assem-
bly, operation and maintenance works. Therefore, before assembly and commissioning, this operation
manual must be read by the assembler as well as by the responsible personnel/operator at all costs. It
always must be available on site of operation of the device.
The general safety notes listed under the main point safety are not the only notes to be taken into ac-
count. Please also observe the specific safety instructions, such as those for private use, listed under
other main points.
2.1 Marking of the notes contained in the operation manual
The safety notes contained in this operation manual which can cause danger to persons are specifical-
ly marked by the following general danger symbol
Safety sign according to DIN 4844 - W 9
The following symbol warns against dangers caused by voltage
Safety sign according to DIN 4844 - W 8
In case of safety notes the non-observance of which can cause danger to the device and its function-
ing, the word ATTENTION! is inserted.
Notes that are directly attached to the device, such as
must be observed and kept in completely readable condition at all costs.
2.2 Personnel development and training
The personnel responsible for operation, maintenance, inspection and assembly must have the corre-
sponding qualifications for those types of work. Area of responsibility, competence and the surveillance
of the personnel must be regulated precisely by the operator. If the personnel do not possess the nec-
essary knowledge, they must be trained and instructed. By order of the operator of the pump, the in-
struction and training, if necessary, can be carried out by the manufacturer/supplier. Furthermore the
operator must make sure that the personnel have completely understood the content of the operation
in case of ZPK 35 and ZPK 40) may be connected.
- Arrow indicating the direction of rotation
- Characteristics of liquid connections