Date Format: Allows selection of the Date Format as MM/DD/YY or DD/MM/YY or YY/MM/DD.
Time format: Allows selection of Time format as 24-hour or 12-hour format.
Default Test Type: Allows selection of VT/PT or CT test.
Default Test Mode: Allows selection of test for Ratio only or Cont/Ratio (Continuity and Ratio) mode.
Default Storage Mode: Allows selection of storage of each Measurement Record in Manual or Automatic mode.
Default Nameplate Values: Allows the user to store the most frequently used nameplate values (or ratio values).
Present Nameplate Values: Allows the selection of the present nameplate values. The Deviation (%) will be calculated based on
the Present Nameplate values for each measurement.
Set Clock: Allows setting the clock on the instrument manually or synchronized with the clock in the computer.
Erase Memory: Allows the memory to be completely erased.
Language: Allows the selection of English, French, German, Italian or Portuguese.
Write To Instrument: Allows the present configuration values to be written in the instrument.
NOTE: None of the changes made on the configuration screen take effect until Write to Instrument command is executed.
Text text text text.
Read from Instrument: Allows the present configuration to be read.
Cancel: Cancels the process to modify the configuration and closes the dialog box.
NOTE: Parameters changed after Write to Instrument was executed will be lost.
text text text.
Open the Control Panel and connect to the instrument.
Next, select Run Test from the Instrument menu or click on the Run Test icon
The user can select Test Type, Test Mode, Test Filter, Present Nameplate values and where the Measurement Record
would be stored.
Press Start to run the test. The result (Measurement Record) of the Test will be displayed in the center.
Figure 7-9
Figure 7-10
Text text text text. Text text text text. Text
on the side or top menu.