Excitation current, displayed in milli-amperes (mA) is the RMS current in the Primary (H) winding due to test excitation. The load-
ing on the Secondary (X) winding due to the DTR
8510 uses a maximum of 32 Vrms excitation voltage for testing. The displayed excitation current will almost always
be a small fraction of transformer no-load excitation at full (rated) voltage. Most transformers will require less than 100 mA.
If you are presently using a ratiometer that employs secondary (X) side excitation (e.g. common hand-cranked instruments)
in step-up mode, the current may be much higher than what the DTR
This is normal and results directly from the fact that in most step-down transformers, the Primary (H) side has a much higher
impedance than its associated Secondary (X) winding.
The Continuity Test function of the DTR
resistance connections, open circuit breakers and blown fuses. When selected, the DTR
Secondary (X) and Primary (H) cables.
8510 will indicate OPEN for circuits > 4 kΩ and CONT for circuits < 4 kΩ. Check these values. A small fraction of
transformers (High inductance or high winding Ohmic DC resistance) may appear open.
The instrument checks for Secondary (X) connections first. Even if it is found open, it continues to check Primary (H) connec-
tions. Regardless of the outcome, the instrument proceeds to perform pre-test checks. Following the pre-test checks, if either
X or H or both were found to be OPEN, the instrument will display the appropriate error message. Pressing the TEST button
again will start a new Continuity test (assuming the user fixed the connection problem) again. If it passes the Continuity test,
Ratio test will be executed.
Transformers with winding arrangement multiple, parallel paths (e.g., Delta type) may read CONT even if one or more wind-
ings may be OPEN.
5.2.5. CT TEST
In this paragraph, an example of running a test using the following configuration (see § 4.3 for how to configure the instrument)
is shown:
Set Date/Time: July 4, 2010. 6:00 PM
Set values in Nameplate:
Primary Voltage:19920; Secondary Voltage: 7200
Select Type: VT/PT
Select Test Mode: CONT/Ratio
Storage Mode: Manual
Set Filter: Normal
Set Language: English
Note: CT test does not allow a CONT/Ratio option. It only runs a Ratio test.
completely disconnected from AC power and is fully discharged.
8510 is negligible.
8510 serves as a useful means of identifying open primary and secondary windings, high
8510 is designed for use on de-energized ("dead") transformers only. Make sure the test sample is
8510 displays.
8510 checks for continuity between its