7) Definitions of Trimmers
RV1 – Slow-down speed
It defines the gate's speed during the slow-down phase.
8) Definitions of Dip Switches and Jumpers (Selection of Programs)
Dip switch 1 (Attention: if you place the Dip switch 1 in ON, the state of the Dip switch 2 doesn't have any influence anymore)
It chooses whether the unit will operate in the mode determined by dip-switch 2 or in condominium mode.
OFF=No effect
Dip switch 2
It chooses whether the unit will operate in step-by-step mode or in automatic mode.
ON =Automatic
OFF=Step by step
Dip switch 3
It enables the operation with a single-wing gate.
ON=Single wing
OFF=Double wing
Dip switch 4
It enables or excludes the kickback (during the opening phase with closed gate) and extra-push (during the closure phase)
ON= Kickback enabled OFF=No effect
Dip switch 5 (Important: if you place the Dip switch 5 in ON, the Dip switch 3 must be positioned obligatorily in OFF)
It enables or excludes the delay between the wings' starts
ON= 0 sec Delay
OFF=Delay enabled
Jumper JP1
When it's removed, it disconnects the 13,5Vdc battery-charger built in on the electronic card. In case of motors that operate at 24Vdc, you must
remove the JP1 Jumper so it's possible to connect a 24Vdc battery equipped with external battery-charger.
Jumper JP2
It selects the power supply voltage on the output terminals 1 and 2 of J4. You can select 13,5Vdc or 24Vdc.
JP2 (1 - 2) - 13,5Vcc
9) Definitions of Programming Keys
P1 - Allows to insert/cancel the radio-command codes in the memory
P2 - Allows to set the motors' work time and the M2 motor's closing delay time
P3 - Allows to set the pause time
JP2 (2 - 3) - 24Vcc