Manual zero point setting
1. For zero point setting, the device must be in operation for at least 60 minutes.
2. It is mandatory to set the potentiometer "Offset" to central position.
(As delivered ex works) !
3. Connect pressure inputs P (+) and P (–) with a hose.
(Pressure difference between the inputs = 0 Pa).
4. For zero point setting, press pushbutton for 10 seconds.
By pressing the pushbutton, a countdown of ca. 10 seconds is started.
The pushbutton must be kept constantly depressed during this countdown period.
At device variants without display the LED is blinking during the countdown.
Successful calibration is signalised by the LED lighting up for 5 seconds.
At device variants with display, the time counter till zero point setting is displayed.
After the lapse of 10 seconds calibration is effected.
By releasing the pushbutton during the countdown (counter > 0 on display variants respectively blinking LED on
variants without display) zero point setting is immediately terminated !
After successful zero point calibration the output voltage at the PREMASGARD
1110 ⁄ 1150 variants (with offset potentiometer in central position) is 0.2 V at a pressure difference
of 0 Pa, at the PREMASREG
1310 ⁄ 1350 variants it is 5.0 V at 0 Pa pressure difference.
1. For zero point setting, the device must be in operation for at least 60 minutes at 0 Pa differential pressure.
Connect pressure inputs P (+) and P (–) with a hose a hose.
2. It is mandatory to set the potentiometer "Offset" to central position.
(As delivered ex works) !
3. Unplug the jumper from socket "Poti" and plug it in socket "Null"
(activating the pushbutton).
4. For zero point setting, press pushbutton for 10 seconds.
By pressing the pushbutton, a countdown of ca. 10 seconds is started.
The pushbutton must be kept constantly depressed during this countdown period.
During the countdown the LED is blinking.
Successful calibration is signalised by the LED lighting up for 5 seconds.
By releasing the pushbutton during the countdown (LED blinking) zero point setting is immediately terminated !
5. Unplug the jumper from socket "Null" and plug it back into socket "Poti"
(activating the potentiometer offset adjustment).
UB Outp.
Sockets "Poti" and "Null" must in no case be bridged at the same time!
After successful zero point calibration the output current is 4.0 mA at 0 Pa pressure difference
(with offset potentiometer in central position).
1. For zero point setting, the device must be in operation for at least 60 minutes.
2. It is mandatory to set the potentiometer "Offset" to central position.
(As delivered ex works) !
3. Connect pressure inputs P (+) and P (–) with a hose.
(Pressure difference between the inputs = 0 Pa).
4. For zero point setting, press pushbutton for 10 seconds.
By pressing the pushbutton, a countdown of ca. 10 seconds is started.
The pushbutton must be kept constantly depressed during this countdown period.
At this device variant with display, the time counter till zero point setting is displayed.
After the lapse of 10 seconds calibration is effected.
By releasing the pushbutton during the countdown (counter > 0) zero point setting is immediately terminated!
After successful zero point calibration the output current is 4.0 mA at 0 Pa pressure difference
(with offset potentiometer in central position).
Zero point setting
Manual zero point setting
per pushbutton enabled
when bridged
Offset adjustment via potentiometer
enabled when bridged
Offset - correction enabled when
jumper pot is bridged (default),
see diagram
1010 ⁄ 1050 ⁄ 1110 ⁄ 1150 and
1010 ⁄ 1050
1110 ⁄ 1150
1110 ⁄ 1150
1310 ⁄ 1350
1011 ⁄ 1051
1111 ⁄ 1151