1. General Information:
- Sale, transfer to or use of e-cigarettes by minors under the age of 18 years is prohibited.
- Present instructions apply to all e-liquids in use with StattQualm e-cigarettes regardless of
nicotine content – even to e-liquids not containing any nicotine at all.
- For technical specifications and proper handling of your device, see the device's manual.
Included to the packaging.
2. Instructions for use and storage
- Keep e-cigarettes and e-liquids out of the reach of children and pets.
- Only use compatible refills, connectors or spare parts.
- Always operate your StattQualm e-cigarette within the recommended power range. (see
- Never open a device unless explicitly mentioned and explained in the manual.
3. Contraindications
At present we are not aware of any studies that would indicate any contraindications to the
use of our products.
We do, however, recommend if:
- previous severe or moderate illness
- chronic complaints
- known allergies to any ingredients (see refill container)
- intake of prescription medication(s)
to consult your doctor prior to first use.
4. Warning to vulnerable consumer groups
- Use by, transfer to or sale of e-cigarettes to minors and youths under the age of 18 years
is prohibited.
- Use of e-cigarettes and e-liquids by non-smokers is not recommended.
- Use of e-cigarettes and e-liquids during pregnancy and nursing period is not recom-
5. Possible negative effects on your health
At this time we are not aware of any studies present that would indicate harmful effects of
our products to your health. However, this does not mean that adverse effects to your he-
alth can be ruled out. Please also consider our note on contraindications, special warnings
for vulnerable user groups as well as the statement about addictive properties of nicotine.