impORTanT nOTice!
The batteries should be removed from
the avalanche transceiver during the
summer break. In case of damage due
to battery leakage the ORTOVOX war-
ranty lapses. never use rechargeable
batteries (such as ni-Cd batteries).
Rechargeable batteries have a much
lower operating voltage and hence a
lower range and a limited operating
period. In addition, faulty recharge-
impORTanT nOTice!
ORTOVOX avalanche transceivers are
designed to support help from com-
panions in the event of avalanche
burial! Stopping in an unsecure area
is potentially risky and should only be
done with experienced participants.
The effective use of an avalanche
transceiver requires suitable training
and repeated practice. Wear your ava-
lanche transceiver close to your body
and under your top layer of clothing.
ORTOVOX urgently recommends that
you carefully read the instructions of
use for the avalanche transceiver. Al-
ways take a shovel and a probe with
you when you are off-piste in an un-
able batteries are not immediately no-
ticeable. After recharging they show
the full operating voltage to start with,
only to severely drop off again after a
very short operating period (danger to
secured area and never wander off on
your own. Plan your off-piste activities
using the current avalanche report:
Before you enter an area at risk of an
avalanche, you should make sure that
all avalanche transceivers are work-
ing properly and all batteries are in
good condition.
The ORTOVOX 3+ fulils the maximum
safety requirements and is charac-
terised by its simple operation!