Eye protection must be worn when operating this machine
The Safety System's heavy duty retractable electrical cord is very durable;
however caution should be taken when working close to the edge of deep
boxes or cans. Operating with the Safety System's electrical cord too close
to sharp metal edges may damage the cord.
Lubricate the Upper Tool Holder with a small amount of lithium (white)
grease. Any other lubricant may interfere with the Safety System's
operation and will void your machine warrant
17-00020 Rev. J
Safety Precautions and Warnings
Operate this Haeger Hardware Insertion Machine without proper
instructions. Read and thoroughly understand this manual before
attempting to operate this machine.
Tamper with any part of this machine's electrical system unless
you are a trained electrician and thoroughly understand this
machine's electrical schematic.
Operate this machine while wearing any metal objects (i.e., rings,
watches, bracelets, etc.) that may come into contact with the
Upper Tool, Lower Tool or work piece.
Attempt to test or demonstrate this machine's Safety System by
placing any portion of your hand or body between the Upper and
Lower tools. Always use the test procedure outlined in Section 4
of this manual.
Exceed the maximum force of 9,000 pounds on the J- Frame and
the Square Tipped Tool Holder.
Attempt to run any irregular shaped sheet metal part that could
contact the Upper and Lower Tools before these tools insert the
fastener into the part. This applies to both the Conductive and
Non- Conductive Modes of operation.
Press the Down Footswitch a second time in the Non- Conductive
Mode when your hands are in the area of the tooling.
Operate this Machine without wearing the proper eye protection