Detailzeichnungen, Detail drawings, détails
Zusammensetzen der Tragfläche
Joining the wing panels
Assemblage de l'aile
Querrudergestänge, Draufsicht
Aileron pushrod, plan view
Tringle d'aileron, vue plongeante
Querrudergestänge, Seitenansicht
Aileron pushrod, side view
Tringle d'aileron, vue latérale
Querrudergestänge (perspektivisch, nicht maßstäblich)
Aileron pushrod (perspective view, not to scale)
Tringle d'aileron (vue en perspective, non à l'échelle)
Zusammensetzen des V-Leitwerks
Joining the V-tail panels
Assemblage de l'empennage papillon
M 1:1
Scale 1:1
Echelle 1
Total surface area:
All-up weight:
Wing section:
Essential items not included in the kit
3 Micro-servos, e.g. S 3103 Nano, Order No. F 1273
1 Small receiver of your choice
1 NC receiver battery, 4 N 110 AA, Order No. 4206
1 Roll of adhesive tape (sello tape)
1 Servo extension lead, Order No. F 1452005
1 Heat-shrink sleeve, Order No. 5042
1 Lead ballast, Order No. 5111
1 Epoxy glue: robbe ropoxy, Order No. 5066
1 robbe wood wax, Order No. 5583
For flat-field flying: bungee launch system, Order No. 5094
The receiving system:
This model requires miniature receiver components.
Don't fit a switch harness - connect the battery direct.
Servos rated at about 5 Ncm torque are powerful enough for this model.
Please refer to the drawing constantly while you assemble the model.
You will find the stated dimensions and detail drawings on the pages
4 and 5 particularly helpful.
- Separate the ailerons.
- Sand back the hinge pivot face of the aileron at an angle so that about
10 mm of „down" travel is possible.
- Cut out the servo wells at the marked points.
- Round off the wingtips.
- Cut openings in the wing roots as shown, so that the cables can be pulled
through easily when the wing has been assembled - refer to section D.
- Sand the wing root faces so that they meet perfectly when set to the
correct dihedral.
- Cover the building board with clear plastic film. Lay one wing panel flat
on the board, apply epoxy to the root face of the second panel and push
the wings together. Pack up one wingtip to a height of 50 mm.
- Cut out the openings for the reinforcing blocks for the spruce locating
piece and the wing retaining screw.
- Glue the reinforcing blocks in place and sand back flush with the wing
- Glue the locating piece (3 x 8 mm spruce strip) in the front block, and
check that it is central.
- Lay the woven glass tape over the centre wing joint and epoxy it in place.
Lightly sand the tape smooth when the resin has cured, taking care not
to cut into the neighbouring wood.
- Attach the ailerons to the wing using hinge tape, applied in a single full-
length strip along the top of the joint line. Apply short strips of tape on the
underside of the hinge line to secure the ailerons. Check that both
ailerons move freely up and down.
- Drill out the hole for the servo leads in the centre of the wing, and pull the
cables (approx. 700 mm long) through them. A length of piano wire
makes a useful tool here.
- Cut off the servo plug, fit pieces of heat-shrink sleeving on the wires and
solder the extension lead to the bare ends. Take care to maintain the
correct colour coding.
- At the inboard end bundle the wires together according to the insulation
colours, fit the heat-shrink sleeves and solder the bare wire ends to one
of the servo plugs.
- Determine the optimum position for the servo output arms, with the aim
of obtaining 12 mm up and 8 mm down travel for the ailerons, measured
from the neutral position. Cut the servo output arms to size.
- Set the servos to neutral from the transmitter (sticks and trims at centre).
- Mark the position of the horns on the ailerons, and drill the holes for the
horn pins. Insert the horns and clamp them in place with the spreader
- Wrap adhesive tape round the servos. This allows you to glue them in
place, but still remove them when necessary.
- Place the servos temporarily in the wells. Bend the pushrod to the shape
shown on page 5 (Z-bend at each end) from the 0.8 mm steel wire
supplied. The angled part of the pushrod can be adjusted later if
necessary to provide fine adjustment of the aileron neutral position.
- Connect the pushrods, set the ailerons to neutral, check that the servos
are correctly positioned and glue each in place with a drop of epoxy. Note
the correct position of the servo arms.
- Sealing the surfaces: we recommend applying robbe wood wax for an
attractive „polished wood" finish.
Assembly instructions
- Roughen up the hinges
approx. 1500 mm
- Glue the hinges in the slots in the tail panels with epoxy. Apply epoxy to
approx. 23 dm
approx. 390 g
the hinge slots in the elevators and push them onto the projecting hinges.
HN 1033 (modified)
- Glue together the V-tail panels and the reinforcing strip in such a way that
the correct included angle of 110° is achieved. An easy way to ensure
this is to cut two 35° templates from card and support the tail panels on
them while the glue is drying.
- Sealing the surfaces: we recommend applying robbe wood wax for an
attractive „polished wood" finish.
- Determine the correct position of the elevator horns, noting that they
must be positioned as close to the root of each panel as possible. Drill
holes for the horn pins, fit the horns and clamp them in place with the
spreader plates.
- Cut away the centre part of the wing saddle so that you can install the
wing retainer plate "B".
- Place the wing on the fuselage, check alignment, mark the position of the
spruce locating piece and cut away the fuselage to accommodate it.
- Place the wing on the fuselage, check that it is „square" relative to the
fuselage centreline and mark the position of the retaining screw.
- Drill a 4 mm Ø hole through the wing and fuselage together.
- Working in stages, open up the hole in the retainer plate in the fuselage
to 7 mm Ø, and fit the plastic nut in the hole.
- Glue the plate in the fuselage, exactly underneath the 4 mm Ø hole. Take
care that no glue gets into the threaded part of the nut.
- Mark the screw position of the V-tail mounting clips on the tail boom.
- Remove the clips and drill 3 mm Ø holes at the marked points so that the
screws can be accessed without problem.
- Drill holes in the V-tail reinforcing strip and screw the V-tail to the
mounting clips. Position the V-tail assembly on the tail boom and fix the
clips to it with cyano.
- Cut a piece about 50 mm long from the 0.8 mm steel wire, bend it to the
shape shown in the drawing and form a 90° bend in one end.
- Solder the wire to the long rod to form a forked pushrod "D" as shown.
- Slip the forked pushrod into the plastic guide tube, and fit this assembly
in the tail boom.
- Epoxy the front end of the plastic guide tube to the tail boom, making
allowance for the necessary pushrod movement.
- Screw the wing to the fuselage. You may need to shorten the screw to
provide clearance.
- Thoroughly roughen up the tail boom at the joint area, and epoxy the
boom to the fuselage pod as shown in the drawing. At the same time align
the V-tail with the wing by sighting along the fuselage from either end.
- Install the battery and receiver in the fuselage nose, as far forward as
possible. To switch on the system plug the battery connector into the
battery socket on the receiver.
- Run the receiver aerial out of the fuselage at the wing saddle position and
tension it to one tail panel.
- Glue the plastic pushrod guide tube to the fuselage in the area of the wing
- Roughen the underside of the elevator servo. Temporarily install the
elevator servo as far forward as possible and form a Z-bend in the
pushrod at the appropriate point.
- Connect the pushrod to the elevator servo and check that full elevator
travel is possible: 10 mm up and 10 mm down. Set the servo to neutral
from the transmitter, and position it carefully. Check the balance point of
the model before gluing the servo in place permanently.
Final work:
- Paint the canopy if you wish, place it on the fuselage and secure it with
strips of adhesive tape.
- Assemble the fuselage, wing and tail.
- Check all the working systems carefully: ensure that the ailerons and
elevator work in the correct „sense" relative to the transmitter stick
movements, and that the travels are as stated.
- Cover the servo wells with adhesive film.
- Check the Centre of Gravity (CG) as follows: assemble the model
completely, and support it under both wing roots at the stated point; the
model should now balance level. A tolerance of 2 mm either side of the
marked point is permissible. Add lead ballast in the nose (approx. 50 g)
to correct the CG. Any lead ballast must be glued in place securely.
- Set the elevator and elevator servo to neutral, and epoxy the servo to the
- Note: you may wish to install a towhook. Bend the hook to shape from
a scrap piece of 1.5 mm Ø steel wire (not included) and epoxy it centrally
in the fuselage at a point about 18 mm forward of the CG. Reinforce the
joint with a patch of glass tape.
robbe Modellsport GmbH & Co. KG
We reserve the right to alter technical specifications.