To get started, figure out which channels you want effects on (e.g. vocals, lead guitar, horns
and keyboards - probably not on drums and bass). During a sound check, turn up the EFX1
send controls on those channels about halfway at first and push up the channel level faders
also about halfway. Next, go to the lower right area of the control panel and set the EFX MODE
switch to STEREO – the STEREO LED will illuminate (we are starting out with stereo effects,
you can experiment with the dual MONO effects later). Now dial in the desired effect using the
EFX SELECT and MODIFY controls – the menu of presets for STEREO operation appears below
the dials. Next, turn up the EFX1 L&R (main system) RETURN LEVELS master about halfway.
Now push up the L&R main master faders to a moderate listening level, as well as th EFX1 send
master. Finally, re-adjust the channel EFX1 send levels to add or subtract the effects intensity in
the main mix. Alternatively, you may preview the effects through headphones using the SOLO
buttons covered later on. To preview the effects on the monitor mixes, plug in headphones (jack
located at very front of mixer, right side below the arm rest) depress the MON1 and/or MON2
SOLO buttons, set the SOLO MODE to PFL and turn up the HEADPHONE master.
• The channel EFX1 send controls are exclusively for the internal effects system.
The channel EFX2 send controls allow you to add external or internal effects. With no exter-
nal effects units connected between the EFX2 SEND jack and L/R RETURN jacks, and with the
master EFX MODE button set for MONO (choice of 16 presets), the internal EFX2 system will
be available to the mains and monitors. Simply set the EFX2/MODIFY dial for the desired effect
according to the menu appearing above that dial, then adjust the EFX2 SEND and RETURN
masters to blend in the effect with the straight signals. Use headphones and the MON1 and/or
MON2 SOLO buttons to listen to the effects mix in the monitor system. The MONitor SOLO
works the same with the AFL (After-Fader-Listen) and the PFL (Pre-Fader-Listen).
With the EFX MODE button set for STEREO, the channel EFX2 send controls will appear not
to function, however they still do. EFX2 send signal is available at the EFX2 SEND jack and is
regulated by the EFX2 SEND master fader. You may now connect external effects between the
SEND and RETURN jacks, or you may alternately use the SEND jack to supply mono recording or
broadcast signals not requiring effects (like the AUX signal, EFX2 is dry and post-channel fader).
When employing an external effects unit, connect the EFX SEND jack to the input of the
unit and the EFX RETURN jacks to its outputs. If it is not a stereo effect, connect its out-
put to the L / MONO EFX2 RETURN jack only. The effect unit's output may be previewed
through headphones with the EFX2 SOLO button depressed and the SOLO MODE button
in PFL position. AFL gives you EFX2 to MAIN RETurn level
PAN Control (Mono Channels)
This regulates the post-fader channel signal routing to the L&R main faders. Signal levels are
compensated at the L&R rotation extremes so that panning during a performance will result
in minimal SPL losses in the center-field audience areas.
In a stereo setup, the PAN controls would normally be set at or near center so audience
members on both sides can hear everything properly. However if stereo is not an essential part
of your PA sound, you might opt to convert POWERMAX to mono operation. To accomplish
this, simply patch the L / MONO (left main/mono) LINE LEVEL OUTPUT into both the AMP A
and AMP B AMPLIFIER INPUTS with a standard "Y" cable. Now, both main power amps are
receiving a mono mix. This will enable you to use the PAN controls to set up two submaster
groups – for example you could pan all the drum channels left and all the rest right. Now the
L&R master faders become group masters. These master faders are placed close together, so it is
easy to move them both at once when making main system level changes.
BALance Control (Stereo Channels)
This regulates both the channel output routing to the L&R main faders and the comparitive levels
of the stereo signals within the channel. If you have patched for mono operation (see PAN control
above) it is possible to connect two different mono line-level sources to a stereo channel and use
the BAL control to regulate their relative volumes. For more on this, see under BAL LINE INPUTS.
The CLIP LED is triggered at -6dB below the channel's actual clipping level. When the MUTE button
is depressed, the CLIP light will come on at half–brightness and will still flicker to indicate clipping
With the CLIP light threshold set below actual clipping level, it is possible to allow a certain
amount of light activity without worrying about distortion. As a result, you may use the CLIP
light to help you adjust the GAIN control. See under GAIN Control for more about this.
MUTE Button
MUTE shuts off the channel and all sends except PFL. MUTE is a timesaving feature that enables
you to put channels, which you have adjusted during the sound check on hold until they are
needed. It is important to do this since every open mic connected to a mixer reduces the sys-
tem's gain before feedback by several decibels.