Calibration ongoing, therefore, avoid, as far as possible, opening the cold room during
the process.
Flashing light with temperature: Configuration has been changed from 1 to 2 evaporators
or vice versa.
SELFDRIVE mode alert messages
Excessive door openings have been detected during calibration and it has not been pos-
sible to calibrate.
Excessive door openings have been detected and the device cannot regulate in SELFDRIVE
(Only shown by pressing the key)
Defrost end error in 1/2 evaporator during the calibration, defrost has not
ended due to temperature.
Error during calibration in 1/2 evaporator. There is not enough difference in
temperature between the cold room probe and the evaporator probe.
It has not been possible to carry out the calibration due to a lack of stability
in the system (Excessive door opening, excessive oscillations in the lower
pressure, etc.).
Error during normal operation (SELFDRIVE Mode active) in 1/2 evaporator.
There is not enough difference in temperature between the cold room probe
and the evaporator probe.
A lack of stability has been detected in the system (Excessive door open-
ing, excessive oscillations in the low pressure, etc.) during normal operation
(SELFDRIVE Mode active).
The persistent lack of stability has led to the deactivation of the SELFDRIVE
3516526A11 Ed. 01