The bumper rail is stuck.
WINBOT is hanging
around or moves in
an irregular pattern
The bumper rail is broken.
during cleaning.
WINBOT is hanging
Edge Detection Sensor signal abnormity.
around or moves in
an irregular pattern
during cleaning.
Fan malfunction.
WINBOT stops
WINBOT is too near to the edge of the
moving after adhered
glass or obstacles.
to the glass.
WINBOT is stuck
and cannot move,
It is stuck by obstacles.
be controlled by the
Remote Control.
Possible Causes
Take WINBOT down from the window. Check if the bumper rail is stuck.
Clean the bumper rail and restart WINBOT. If problem persists, please
contact customer service.
A. Remove the Cleaning Pad and re-attach it making sure it will not
cover or affect the Edge Detection Sensors.
B. Clean the Edge Detection Sensors as described in section 4.
C. If the problem persists, please contact Customer Service.
A. Clean the Fan as described in section 4.
B. If the problem persists, please contact Customer Service.
Use the Direction Control buttons on the Remote Control to move
WINBOT away from the problem area and at least 10cm/4" from
window corners and obstacles. Restart WINBOT. Or Remove WINBOT
from the window and put it at least 10cm/4" from window corners and
obstacles. Restart WINBOT.
Fix the safety pod and tether firmly. Hold WINBOT power cord and
meanwhile, use
the Direction Control Buttons to move
WINBOT away from the stuck area. If the problem persists, please
contact Customer Service.
6. Troubleshooting