3 Operating
Helpful tips if
you are afflicted
by head lice
• You can supplement the application of your electric lice comb by using a
chemical agent. For unusual cases, please consult a physician.
• Be aware that medicines are only available from a pharmacist and may
only be available with a prescription. Due to their possible side effects,
chemical agents should only be used if you have an actual afflication of
head lice and not as a means of prevention. A physician can verify this and
prescribe treatment.
• Head lice can survive on textiles for a brief period of time. For that reason,
you should clean all objects that come into contact with your head. This
measure can only be regarded as a supplement to treating affected persons.
You cannot prevent the return of lice by "only washing or cleaning".
• If caps, scarves, bed linen, pillow cases, towels or stuffed animals come
into contact with lice, they should be washed at 60 °C or higher or put into
a dryer for 10 minutes. In you are unsure or are not able to wash these
objects, you can enclose them in a hermetically sealed plastic bag for two
weeks at room temperature or else place them into a freezer for one day
at -15 °C.