1. One-sided handle
2. Galvanized screw M8x35mm
3. Galvanized washer
8.5mm diameter
4. Nut M8
5. Template
The handle must be mounted before installation of the bathtub.
It cannot be mounted afterwards!
should be level with the upper edge of the bathtub. Remove the backing paper from the template and seat
the clear, self-adhering foil of the template over the pre-marked shapes on the bathtub. Adjust it so that the
shape of the template is symmetrical to the shape marked on the bathtub.
ATTENTION: Most templates are not symmetrical!
Follow the same steps for the other side of the handle. Visually check that the marked holes are correct by
placing the handle over them.
tel.: 318 427 111, 318 427 200, fax: 318 427 269, 318 427 278, e-mail:,
The manufacturer reserves the right to change the price, technical parameters or other facts without
1 pc
2 pcs
2 pcs
2 pcs
2 pcs
We recommend that you test the handle in different positions until the correct
position for you has been found. The recommended position is approximately
30 to 35mm from the upper edge of the bathtub to the lengthwise axis of the
handle. In the optimal position, the seated surface of the handle should follow the
curvature of the bathtub. The slight springiness of the handle allows it to be
pressed into the exact place against the wall of the bathtub.
Place the handle into the desired position and with a soft pencil mark the exact
shape of the seating part of the handle into the bathtub. The axis of the handle
In the marked places on the inner side of the bathtub, drill holes of 3 mm in
diameter. Now, widen the holes to 8,5mm. Drill very carefully! Use only light
pressure when drilling quickly and keep the drill upright (on the same angle as the
threads of the handle).
Before final placement of the handle, place a small amount of silicone on the outer
side of the holes, under the washers.
Put the handle in place and tighten the M8 screws and washers from the under
side of the bathtub. (Slight adjustments can be made by drilling the holes to
a maximum of
10mm!). Tighten the screws normally.
Over-tightening of the screws can cause deformation of the handle.
RAVAK a.s., Obecnická 285, 261 01 Pøíbram 1, ÈR
a prior notice and shall bear no responsibility for the printing errors.
On the ROSA bathtub, the handle is
mounted to the middle of the curved
part of the bathtub, near the overflow.
Both ends of the handle are shaped
differently to coincide with the
curvature of the bathtub. The handle
cannot be mounted in the opposite