10.5 Service functions
10.5.1 Read min/max values
► Select [Lo�x] or [Hi�x]�
[Lo�F] = minimum flow value , [Hi�F] = maximum flow value
[Lo�T] = minimum temperature value , [Hi�T] = maximum temperature
Delete memory:
► Select [Lo�x] or [Hi�x]�
► Keep [▲] or [▼] pressed.
> [----] is displayed�
► Briefly press [●]�
It is recommended to delete the memories as soon as the unit ope-
rates under normal operating conditions for the first time�
In the operating mode REL a new teaching process deletes the
10.5.2 Reset all parameters to factory setting
► Select [rES] and press [●]�
► Keep [▲] or [▼] pressed.
> [----] is displayed�
► Briefly press [●]�
We recommend noting down your own settings before carrying out
a reset �
11 Operation
After power on, the unit is in the RUN mode (= normal operating mode)� It carries
out its measurement and evaluation functions and provides output signals accor-
ding to the set parameters�
11.1 Read the process value
It can be preset whether flow or temperature is indicated as default (→ 10.4.1
Configuration of the standard display)�
A standard unit of measurement can be defined for the flow measurement
(l/min or m3/h or m/s)� For the operating mode REL flow is always displayed in %�
The display can be changed to another display unit in addition to the preset stan-
dard display:
► Press
Menu MEM:
Menu EF: