10.2 Settings for volumetric flow monitoring
► Select the operating mode [ModE] first before doing all the other settings
(→ 10.2.1).
For the operating modes GAS and LIQU, the flow values are set in the unit
defined in [uni]�
► If necessary, change the unit before setting the flow values�
For the operating mode REL the unit % is always used�
10.2.1 Define the operating mode
► Select [ModE] and define the operating mode: REL, GAS, LIQU�
A medium and an internal pipe diameter must be entered for the
operating modes LIQU and GAS�
When the factory setting is changed (ModE = REL), the unit displays
[≡≡≡≡] to force these entries:
► Press [●]�
> [MEdI] is displayed�
► Define the medium�
> [diA] is displayed�
► Define the internal pipe diameter in mm or inch�
The operating mode REL requires a flow adjustment → 10.2.8.
A change of the operating mode leads to a restart of the unit�
The settings are saved in the respective operating mode,
i�e� after a change of the operating mode the settings are
not lost�
10.2.2 Define the internal pipe diameter
► Select [diA] and define the internal pipe diameter:
15���400 mm
[diA] is only available if the operating mode GAS or LIQU is selected�
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