The "Network" page
Network settings
If you want the router to automatically assign the camera an IP number, check the box "Obtain IP
address from DHCP server" and then click on "Set". After this, the device will restart. A countdown
appears on the screen showing the time until the restart. Never disconnect the device from the power
supply during this time because otherwise, it might be damaged irreparably.
Select the option "Turn off" in the checkbox "Yellow back LED" to switch off the yellow control LED
on the LAN socket. Select "Turn on" to switch it on. The switching takes place instantly; you do not
need to click on "Set".
If you uncheck "Obtain IP address from DHCP server", you can enter the network parameters manually
in the following input screen:
IP address:
Subnet mask:
DNS Server 1:
DNS Server 2:
Http port:
Enter the IP address that you want to assign to the camera here.
Enter the subnet mask of the network in which the camera is to operate here.
Enter the IP address of the router gateway here.
Here the camera requires the entry of the first DNS server. DNS servers "trans-
late" the queried domain names into IP addresses.
Enter the name of the second DNS server here. This server will be used if the
first server is not available.
Enter the number 81 here. Otherwise, the transfer of the image to the computer
will not work.
IUK 5 A1