chance of frost
When the weather station has received the outdoor sensor's signal, it'll automatically switch to the reception
of the DCF-77 atomic time.
(DCF) time:
When the
symbol is flashing, the clock is receiving the atomic time. When it's synchronized with the
atomic time radio graphically sent by the 'DCF77' station, the
appear, the time is shown via the internal clock of the weather station. The DCF77 station is situated in
Frankfurt, Germany. The reception of the DCF77 time is basically possible in the whole of Western Europe.
During daylight saving time, 'DST' will appear underneath the
Pairing the weather station / outdoor unit:
As soon as the batteries are installed in the weather station, the weather forecast animation icon starts
flashing. Use the ▼and ▲ buttons on the front panel of the weather station to input the actual weather
type. After 15 seconds the weather stations enters the reception mode from the outdoor unit and starts
searching for a signal from the outdoor unit. Therefore, if you insert the batteries into the outdoor unit
within that minute and the units will 'find' each other, they will be automatically paired and the display of
the weather station will show the temperature transmitted by the outdoor unit. The weather station will then
switch to the reception of the DCF-77 time signal to synchronise with the station in Frankfurt (see Clock).
If the units cannot be paired automatically, or after replacing the batteries, you can pair the
outdoor unit (again) with the weather station unit as follows:
1. press and hold the ▲ button on the weather station for 2 seconds until the
symbol starts flashing in the display
2. Press briefly press the RESET button on the outdoor unit
3. the units will have found each other (again) after several seconds
When the outdoor unit is registered on the weather station and everything is working properly, you may
place the outdoor unit with outdoor sensor (wind and rain sensor) outside. You may choose to place the
outdoor unit onto a flat surface (e.g. a fence or railing or against the wall using the various supplied posts)
or on a pole (max. Ø 37mm. (not included)). In any case, make sure that the unit is situated at least 1.5
meters above the ground and that the unit is placed freely in the rain and wind. Lead the cable of the wind
and rain sensor through the post and feet base.
Because the outdoor sensor and outdoor unit are connected with a cable, the outdoor unit may be placed
closer to the weather station (max. distance 30 meters) or at eye-level to easily read the outdoor unit.
In case of wall-mounting, the weather station and outdoor unit may be suspended from a single screw. You
may also fold out the table stand to place the weather station onto a flat surface.
Outdoor unit placement tips:
To have the rain and wind meter function as accurate as possible, the rain and wind meter must be placed
exactly horizontal.
To be able to indicate from which direction the wind is blowing, the rain and wind unit must face the North.
Make sure that the wind vane is aimed to the front (the rear of the wind
vane is located above the arm and closest to the rain sensor. for this, see
the "direction for setting wind vane" marking above the rain and wind
meter. Use an accurate compass (not included) to properly aim the unit.
See 6.5 Wind Measurement - Wind Direction to activate the wind rose in
the display.
Weather conditions:
When the animation indicates rain, but one of the temperature displays is below
0°C, snow will be displayed in the animation.
Frost alert:
The frost alert icon
between -2°C and +3°C.
will appear in the display when the outdoor temperature is
symbol will remain lit. If this symbol doesn't
in line