In Legend Live model press simultaneously the button [TRANSPOSE SELECT] and the key G4 on the
upper manual to select the POST mode. Press [TRANSPOSE SELECT] and the key A4 to select the
PRE mode instead.
- [REVERB HALL/SPRING]: select the reverb type. In HALL mode the led is switched off. This reverb
simulates a closed space. In SPRING mode the led is switched on. The effect simulates a spring reverb.
For more information on the Reverb effect read par.5.2.
11. [DRIVE CLASSIC/ROCK] button.
Select the type of distortion effect. The CLASSIC effect switches the led off. It simulates the natural
distortion of a valve amplifier inside the classic rotating speaker used with electromechanical organs.
The ROCK effect switches the led on. It generates a sharper sound, simulating the distortion generated by
guitar amplifiers from the '70s. For more information on the Drive effect, read par. 5.3.
12. [TONEWHEEL MODEL] (only available on Legend and Legend Classic models).
Use these buttons to select one of the three general Tonewheel organ models. Each model was made to
resemble the sound features of the most iconic decades when this organ was used:
- [TONEWHEEL MODEL '30]: typical '30s sound, without drawbar 16' foldback.
- [TONEWHEEL MODEL '50]: typical sound of the '50s and' 60s and is often used in jazz music.
- [TONEWHEEL MODEL '70]: typical sound of the '70s, mainly used in progressive music, pop and rock.
In the model Legend Live, the tonewheel model is selected through the upper manual keys. To select the
desired model, press and hold the [TRANSPOSE SELECT] button, then simultaneously press the upper
manual key:
F5: corresponds to the button [TONEWHEEL MODEL '30] on Legend and Legend Classic.
G5: corresponds to the button [TONEWHEEL MODEL '50] on Legend and Legend Classic.
A5: corresponds to the button [TONEWHEEL MODEL '70] on Legend and Legend Classic.
You can also select the sound of specific Tonewheel organ models. In both Legend organs you can select
these sounds by pressing and holding the [TRANSPOSE SELECT] button and then pressing the following
keys on the upper manual:
F#5: BC Model from 1936.
G#5: B3 Model from 1956.
A#5: A100 Model from 1961.
The three tonewheel organ models selectable with the F#5, G#5 and A#5 keys are the same in both the Standard and
JDF Signature Edition versions.
13. [TRANSPOSE SELECT] button.
Adjust the keyboard transposition and set up the instrument functions.
14. [ROTARY] buttons.
Adjust the internal Rotary effect:
- [ROTARY DIRECT] (only available on Legend and Legend Classic models): when the led is on, the
Rotary effect is not sent through the outputs [LEFT], [RIGHT], [PHONES] and the headphones output on
the rear.
On Legend Live
SELECT] and [ROTARY CLASSIC/ROCK]. When the effect is disabled, the led of the [ROTARY
CLASSIC/ROCK] button turns red.
- [ROTARY CLASSIC/ROCK]: select the listening mode of the rotating speaker. The CLASSIC type
simulates the speaker as it is actually perceived by the musician. In this mode, the led turns off. The
ROCK mode simulates the sound of a rotating diffuser as recorded by a microphone. In this mode, the
led turns on.
For more information on the Rotary effect, see par. 5.4.
the effect can be disabled by pressing simultaneously the buttons [TRANSPOSE
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User Manual