1. Make sure the jack and the vehicle are on a hard level surface.
2. Activate the hazard warning flasher, turn off ignition, set the parking
brake, move automatic shift selector to park position. In case of
manual transmission, move gear selector into reverse position. In
addition, the wheel diagonally opposite from the wheel being lifted
shall be chocked in both directions.
3. Place jack only at points of the vehicle as specified by the vehicle
4. Follow the tire changing procedure or tire chain mounting procedure specified by vehicle manufacturer's owner's manual.
5. No alterations shall be made to this product.
6. Turn the handle clockwise to closed position. Do not over tighten!
7. With saddle in place, pump the handle and raise the vehicle.
8. Insert lock bar to prevent accidental lowering.
1. Turn handle clockwise to closed position.
2. Pump handle to lift vehicle off of lock bar.
3. Turn handle SLOWLY counterclockwise to lower the vehicle onto the ground.
Always store your jack in the fully lowered position. This will prevent critical areas from excessive corrosion.
Mounting Vehicle On Lift
1. Remove saddle. Lower the Jack completely. This should
allow you to easily roll it under the vehicle.
Note: Read your Vehicle Owner's Manual to determine the
recommended lift points of your specific vehicle.
2. Make sure that your vehicle is properly balanced. Load saddle
platform equally.
Operating Lift
1. Assure that vehicle is properly balanced on lift saddle platform.
2. Support the vehicle with tie down straps. Attach your vehicle securely to the lift, using appropriate straps (recommended
to use straps with 150% rated capacity of weight of load, straps not included).
3. While watching to make sure it is
safe to do so, pump the handle
until the vehicle is at the desired
height. Make sure the vehicle is
lifted enough to engage the Lock
4. Insert Lock Bar.
Never work on the vehicle or leave unattended if the Lock Bar is not in place,
and if sufficient tie down straps are not holding the vehicle firmly in place.
Secure Here
Saddle Platform
Saddle Platform
Saddle Platform
Lock Bar