Connect the TEL 300 according to the wiring given (Wiring 1 or 2 depending on configuration).
Call your first correspondent using the telephone (switch 11 on standby).
Take the line using switch 11.
Adjustment of the line. For the following procedure it is important to disable Auto Dim 9. This
operation is carried out only once as it allows the insert to be adapted to your local switchboard
(the adjustment can be checked from time to time. This procedure consists of eliminating, as
much of the signal sent to the correspondent as possible from the correspondent's return.
Put volume 7 « send modulation » to zero.
Press down switch 10 "test generator" (the signal is calibrated and independent of volume 7
Vu-meter 15 shows a level 0dB.
Adjust volume 8 "return correspondent" so as to attain a O dB level on vu-meter 14.
Adjust in alternation the line adjustment potentiometers 12 and 13 so as to obtain the lowest
level possible on vu-meter 14. One can then alter volume 8 to increase the sensitivity and
readjust the potentiometers 12 and 13 (It must be noted that the potentiometers 12 and 13
have a position of balance and that they are interactive); once the optimum adjustment is reached
release the « test generator » (switch 10). Do not forget to enable at the end.
The TEL 300 insert is now adapted to your line and is fully functional.
To switch the correspondent over to monitor, it is first necessary to send a signal from the console
to the correspondent; adjust volume 7 « send modulation » using vu-meter 15 and adjust
volume 8 "return correspondent" using the vu-meter 14.
It is possible to send instructions to the correspondent using mic input or line mono and volume 7
"send modulation to the correspondent ".
Monitoring only the correspondent is possible using C output. (Control for the studio).
Monitoring the correspondent and sending is possible using the D output (recording).
Lighting up of switch 11 signals an incoming call.
Input B receives console output (send console Compact or RP2000).
The C output goes to the operation.
When being used at a distance, for example, the TEL300S can take a call automatically as soon as it
comes in and then hang up at the end of the call.
Switch 11 must be in release position so as to allow the automatic mode to function; only in this case
will the TEL 300S take the call after 4 rings.
Hanging up after the call can done in several ways:
In normal use, the TEL 300S will let the hang up tone ring 9 times before actually hanging up.
Where one would like to avoid this tone being heard it is possible to control the hanging up from a
distance by pressing keys « * » then « 0 » in that order.
By pressing switch 11 an operator can at any time take back control of the TEL 300S thus returning
it to normal mode. By savety, it is necessary, to press twice on this switch to hang up.