Controlling your Home with the WebApp
In those occasions where you mobile will go on strike..
A Web access, what for ?
The TKP100 can be controlled in normal use using the web portal access, from a browser HTML5-compliant
such as © Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer or Firefox. The control interface is very similar to the coviva
Mobile App, and provides the same level functionnal access with exception of installation functions, with
a layout compliant to larger displays.
Accessing the WebApp directly (All users)
The coviva controller can be remotely accessed with
a most browsers by entering the following URL :
...where XXXXXX is the coviva ID of your controller.
Please refer to page 14 to fi nd it.
Accessing the WebApp through your Hager portal
• login to Hager portal account
• browsing to "coviva controller" section
(left navigation panel)
• click the rightmost icon on your
controller's registration line.
Note : This mode of access is only available to the
system's Referent User. Many other useful services
can be accessed from Hager portal !