Controller Installation
7.7.2 Controllers with pre-wired Plugs
NOTE – This section is for controllers with
prewired plugs only.
CAUTION – All warnings and instructions
mentioned for the wiring of the standard
controller version must be considered and
strictly observed.
CAUTION – For splicing accessories to the
plugs and the grounding rod to the
grounding connection, use a proper
crimping tool and sleeves matching the
cable size.
WARNING – All electrical connections must
be performed by qualified experts only!
Unqualified handling might lead to shock,
burns, or death.
Figure 8: Plug Controller Types
PS150-plug (non-UL)
Plug connections are easy to assemble without opening the
controller housing. The socket parts of the plug connections
are prewired and preassembled inside the controller. The
counterparts must be connected to the wires. All counter-
parts are included in the delivery, except the standard PV
power plugs.
CAUTION – Even if a sensor plug is not
used to connect a sensor it must be
plugged into the controller to allow
correct operation of the pump system. If a
plug is not connected it will cause the
pump system to stop.
PS150 to PS1800-UL-plug