6.3 Positioning of the extraction hood
The extraction arm or extraction hood is designed in such a way that it can be
adjusted and moved easily by hand. The extraction hood maintains its set position
self-supporting once it has been positioned. The extraction hood can be pivoted by
approximately 360° and the extraction arm can be pivoted up to approx. 180° which
means that nearly any position can be set. It is important that the extraction hood is
always positioned properly in order to achieve a sufficient capturing of welding
fumes. Please find the correct position on the following image.
Position the extraction arm so that the extraction hood is located
approx. 25 cm diagonally above the weld.
The exhaust hood must be positioned so that it safely captures the welding
fumes, taking into account the movement of welding fumes caused by the heat
and the suction range.
Always move the exhaust hood with respect to the weld position as you
An incorrectly positioned exhaust hood or too low an extraction efficiency
do not ensure that hazardous substance-containing air is captured
adequately by the exhaust hood. Hazardous substances can thus enter
the area where the user breathes and lead to injury to health!
6.4 Commissioning
Switch on the MaxiFil with the button labeled with "O" and "I".
The fan starts and the green light of the device button signals the fault-free
operation of the device.
Always move the exhaust hood with respect to the weld position as you
KEMPER MaxiFil stationary - operating instructions- EN
- 78 –
Technical modifications and errors expected.