The oven can memorize 20 cooking programs and a manual cycle. All the programs are set up with a default cycle: 1 phase with a
chamber‟s preset defined by a parameter and with no cooking time set up and inactive humidity.
Each program can be made of maximum three phases and memorize the set up of a normal manual cooking cycle.
- temperature set
- time set
- humidity set
Each program can be modified and started with these changes. These changes are not automatically saved. You can save these
new changes by pressing the encoder (10) for 2 seconds (if you are not modifying a set) and the saving will be confirmed by the
If you want to select a program you have to rotate the encoder (10) until the LED PROGRAMS (4) begins to blink . The display will
show the code of the active program in that moment in this way: P01 - P20 or "---" if you are in manual cooking.
If you press the encoder (10) the display begins to blink and the LED (4) remains lighted; by rotating the encoder (10) you can select
a program from P01 to P20; if you are at the beginning of the scale (before P01) you can visualize "---" that is the exit from the
programs mode and the selection of the manual mode.
If you press the encoder you‟ll select the desidered program, the display stops to blink while the LED PROGRAMS (4) begins to blink
in order to indicate that by rotating the encoder (10) you can select the sets of the program.
To clear the program and return to the manual mode you have to choose "---" , in menu programs.
When you select a program you can change it like you were in manual mode.
The changes are not automatically saved, but it is possible to start a cooking with a changed program.
The pressing of the key START/STOP (8) starts a cooking cycle (manual or program) actually selected, so the oven will pass in
START mode; if you want to start a cycle you have to create a phase with a set, of the time, set up. The LED refers to START/STOP
(6) is lightned and are put in activity the right regulations. It isn‟t possible to start a cooking cycle if we are in a phase of set up of
memorization (temperature, time, humidity) or in menu of selection of a program.
In START mode the card begins the selected cooking cycle and begins the right regulations.
START/STOP LED (6) is lighted.
Usually during a cycle the display shows the residual time to the end of the phase (with a blinking dot). By pressing the encoder (10)
is possible to visualize for 5 sec the chamber‟s temperature. If you want to change the set you have to do like in STOP: you have to
rotate the encoder (10), choosing the preferred function (temperature, time, humidity), and press the encoder (10).
There is a timeout of 5 sec that doesn‟t confirm the selected value.
Changes never be memorized and are saved at the moment for the carrying out cycle. At the end of the cycle they are erase. You
can‟t save the changes of the programs if you are in START mode.
Phases without the set of the time don‟t start.
The buzzer signals the reaching of the temperature‟s set of the first phase.
By pressing MANUAL HUMIDITY key (9) its own LED lighted and in cooking chamber is added steam for a lasting fixed by a
parameter time.
By pressing START/STOP key (8) the card ends the cooking and passes to STOP mode; this is signalled by the sound of the
buzzer. By pressing START/STOP key (short pressure) or opening the door the card passes to TEMPORARY STOP mode.
By a long pressing of the key PHASES (7) the carrying on phase ends and the following starts. The buzzer produces a long beep; if
the stopped phase was the last the cooking will end and the oven will pass in STOP.
The phase that is executing is indicated by the blinking led PHASES (7).
It is neither possible to see, modify, add or erase phases following the carrying on one, nor enter the MENU programs (4) (you can
see only the code of the carrying on program).
At the end of the cycle the buzzer will sound. The card will pass in STOP (if you push a key or open the door the buzzer will end to
In TEMPORARY STOP status the regulations are suspended and the fan stops.
The timer of the time cycle is suspended and the display‟s dot stops to blink.
The LED START/STOP is blinking.
By pressing again the key (8) START/STOP the cooking starts again if the door is closed.
If there is a carrying out cooking cycle with the closing of the door normally starts again the cooking cycle if the interruption has been
caused by an opening of the door (and you haven‟t push the START/STOP key).
With a long pressing on the key START/STOP cooking stopped and the card si passes in STOP mode.
The changes of the running cycle .
When you have a fall in voltage for a long time, the card switchs off. When the voltage returns a test starts and after the card passes
to STOP status.