Cooking process
The cooker is immediately capable of operation. A lit or flashing bulb shows that energy is being transferred
to the pan. Choose the setting by turning the power regulation button. Induction transfer of power depends
on the position of the potentiometer.
Position MIN
Position MAX
Due to the following circumstances the cook must be more attentive than when cooking using ordinary sys-
tems. As soon as you change the power setting by turning the regulator button, the food being cookedimme-
diately responds. Empty pans and pots quickly heat up. NEVER place empty containers on the glass ceramic
surface. Put liquid or fat in them first and then start cooking. Set the power setting using the rotating button
so that it precisely corresponds to the required cooking method. The container must always be placed in the
middle of the heating zone (apart from appliances with a surface wide sensor), otherwise the bottom of the
container will not be heated uniformly. When heating oil or fat regularly check the container to prevent it
from overheating and the oil or fat combusting.
Warning! The cookware you cook with may only be placed on the hotplate so that the bottom does not over-
lap its perimeter. Hot pans or pots must not be placed on the control panel, display or frame. Failure to adhe-
re to this instruction will cause damage to the cookware and the appliance. What will happen: the cookware
will melt, or fuse together, the material in the gaps between the appliance and the work surface will be burned
away by the heat from the cookware and destroy the seal and moisture and grease will enter the appliance,
which may lead to malfunction of the appliance., malfunctions of the display and control panel.
The induction cooker transfers energy only if a container is located in the heating zone. The position the po-
wer regulator is set too has no effect on this. When you remove a pan from the heating zone, transfer of ener-
gy is immediately interrupted. When you replace the pan, the chosen power setting is transferred to the pan
again. If you switch the appliance off by turning the regulator, you will stop the cooking process. However,
the cooker remains ready for use (Standby), the power supply is only switched off when you remove the plug
from the socket or switch the main switch off.
Software version
Starting the generator
8. (segment test)
F or P (operating Frequency or Pulses)
2. (First software version)
1 (Second software version)
9 (Third software version)
Normal operation
In the standby regime (the potentiometer switched off) the decimal point flashes every two seconds. When
the potentiometer is switched on, the appliance initially seeks out cookware: the symbol U and the decimal
point mean that the appliance is looking for cookware (after 1 minute it goes into savings mode and sends
out search impulses every 5 seconds).
When a pot is recognised, the display shows the power setting 1-9.
Significance of the decimal point:
lit up
= operation
1 s pulse
= restriction due to the excessively high temperature of the cooling radiator
½ s pulse
= restriction due to the excessively high temperature of the spirals/cookware
¼ s pulse
= restriction of power
1/10 s pulse
= restriction of power during non-optimal cookware material
minimum power
maximum power