• Remove mineral oils by rinsing the electrode with trichlorethyl-
ene and dabbing dry with a soft tissue.
Chemical cleaning
• The electrode can be cleaned with a sulphochromic solution,
or with a boiling solution of hydrochloric acid.
If you are using an ethanol-based Karl Fischer solvent (example:
E-Solvent), once a week, immerse the Pt-Pt electrode for 2 min.
in a 10% v/v TritonX-100 solution. Then rinse with dry methanol
and gently wipe. This treatment allows the electrode to recover full
efficiency after a few minutes operation.
10% v/v TritonX-100 is available from reagent manufacturers or
can be prepared by diluting 10 ml of TritonX-100 in 100 of
deionised water.
Replace the protection cap, and store the electrode in
it's box at room temperature.