Step 2
Locate the beginning of the section you would
like to record. We recommend checking your
levels before you begin recording.
If your USB device is equipped with a "gain"
control, adjust it appropriately. You can also
adjust the gain slider in the software next to the
volume level meter (the loudest part of the song
should reach the orange part of the meter).
The software will split tracks automatically when
it detects silence in the music. For best results,
make sure your volume levels reach the orange
part of the software's volume meter during the
loudest parts of the song. If your volume level is
too low, EZ Vinyl/Tape Converter may have
trouble detecting the difference between sound
and silence. To split the tracks manually,
uncheck the box labeled Automatically split
into tracks. (This is recommended for typical
popular music but may produce varied results
when used with other genres like classical
music, spoken word, etc.)
When you are ready to start recording, click
Record and immediately play your music (press
"play," place the needle over the record, etc.).