S e r v i c i n g t h e To o l
R o t a r y Va l v e
Using a 2mm pin punch (07900-00158) drive Trigger Pin 45 out and remove Trigger Assembly 32.
Remove Pneumatic Piston Assembly 49 as described in Pneumatic Piston Assembly page 22.
Using Spanner (07900-00672), and Location Spigot Assembly (07900-00706), unscrew Clamp Nut 38 and remove together
with Clamp Plate 43 together with Transfer Tube Assembly 52 and seperate Body 29 from Handle Assembly 70. Remove 'O'
Rings 15 and 16.
Seperate Head Assembly 50 from Handle Assembly 70. NOTE ORIENTATION OF ROTARY VALVE 37.
Push out Rotary Valve 37 together with 'O' Rings 4.
Assemble in reverse order to Dismantling Instructions noting the following:
Seals should be checked for damage and replaced if necessary, lubricated with Molykote
Ensure Rotary Valve 37 is assembled in correct orientation to align valve pins with forks on the Trigger Assembly 32.
See illustration below.
Tr i g g e r
Using a 2mm pin punch (07900-00158) drive Trigger Pin 45 out and remove Trigger Assembly 32.
Unscrew Trigger Valve 20 using trigger valve extractor (07900-00692).
Assemble in reverse order to Dismantling Instructions noting the following:
When assembling Trigger Assembly 32 the trigger forks locate on the pins each side of the Rotary Valve 37.
Ensure Rotary Valve 37 is orientated correctly. See illustration below.
Item numbers in bold refer to the general assembly drawing and parts list on pages 26 and 27.
55m grease.