AutoCAD 2004 - 2006: "RW7140DrvACAD2004.hif"
AutoCAD 2007 - 2009: "RW7140DrvACAD2007.hif"
Now you can select the printer "PLOTCLIENT HDI" and click on "Next".
10. In the next window click on "Next" without importing a "PCP or PC2 file"!
11. In the next window, click on the option "Plot to File" and click on "Next".
12. Confirm the plotter name "PLOTCLIENT HDI".
13. Adjust the plotter configurations by clicking once on "Edit Plotter Configuration".
14. Open "Custom Properties" to adjust specific driver settings as well as the settings for medium and resolution:
Server Name: PLOTCLIENT HDI can be used for printing on several plotters. Here please enter the name of
the plotter to be used for printing. When you enter the name, usually the corresponding spool directory will
appear automatically, then press "Return" to confirm. It is then entered directly in the box "Spool Directory".
Spool Directory: If the right spool directory was not already offered automatically for you to choose, you can
enter it here manually.
Raster gamma correction: With the gamma correction, to put it simply, you set the brightness of the print.
The gamma correction can be used in all plotters, which work with raster data. You can set a value between 1
and 5, whereby 5 means the greatest brightness.
Choose program mode: Here you can choose whether you always want to print your print jobs from
AutoCAD as individual print jobs or whether you need to process several drawings in one drawing set together.
If you want to process several drawings simultaneously for printing, activate "generate set with PLOTCLIENT
WIN". If you always only want to send individual jobs from AutoCAD to print and always want to use the same
plot parameter settings, tell the program "do not display" this dialog. If you want to decide before each print
and enter new print parameters, simply let this dialog be "Display" each time".
Plot color merge control: You have two options to choose. By activating "Colors merge" all levels of your
drawing will be merged. At parts, where two or more colors lie on top of each other, colors will be merged. If
activating the option "Colors overwrite each other" higher levels overwrite completely levels below. Translucent
parts do not overwrite any colour.
15. Quit the plotter settings by clicking on "OK" twice.
Installation of PLOTCLIENT MAC on a Macintosh PC
Installation on Macintosh 10.5
1. Start your Internet browser.
2. Open "http://[ServerPC]/Tools" and then "RW-7140 PLOTCLIENT MAC".
3. Save the file "RW-7140.ppd" by clicking on the file name on the Macintosh desktop.
4. Open the window "System Preferences" by clicking on the icon "System Preferences" in the symbol bar.
5. Use the icon "Print & Fax" to open the window for setting up a new printer.
6. Click on the "+" symbol on the left to open the "Printer Browser" window.
7. Choose the option "IP".
8. As protocol, select the option "Line Printer Daemon-LPD".
9. In the "Address" box, enter the IP address of the PLOTBASE server. When entered correctly, Macintosh confirms with
"Valid and complete address".
10. In the "Name" box, enter the release name which you stated when installing WINPRINT on the PLOTBASE server.
11. Use the button "Print Using" to select the option "Other" and then select the file "RW-7140.ppd" with "Open" from the
12. Close the window with "Add".
13. In the last window "Installable Options" adjust the number of rolls of your plotter, then press "Continue" to confirm.
Installation on Macintosh 10.4
1. Start your Internet browser.
2. Open "http://[ServerPC]/Tools" and then "RW-7140 PLOTCLIENT MAC".
3. Save the file "RW-7140.ppd" by clicking on the file name on the Macintosh desktop.
4. Open the window "System Preferences" by clicking on the icon "System Preferences" in the symbol bar.
5. Use the icon "Print & Fax" to open the window for setting up a new printer.
6. In the menu "Printing", click on the "+" symbol on the left to open the "Printer Browser" window.
7. Choose the option "IP Printer".
8. As protocol, select the option "Line Printer Daemon-LPD".
9. In the "Address" box, enter the IP address of the PLOTBASE server. When entered correctly, Macintosh confirms with
"Valid and complete address".
10. In the "Name" box, enter the release name which you stated when installing WINPRINT on the PLOTBASE server.
11. Use the button "Print Using" to select the option "Other" and then select the file "RW-7140.ppd" with "Open" from the
12. Close the window "Printer Browser" with "Add".
13. In the last window "Printer Browser - Installable Options" adjust the number of rolls of your plotter, then press
"Continue" to confirm.
14 RW-7140 Installation