6. Operation
6.11 Switch Setting (Error Code 6)
If the Selection Switches are not correctly set (C) on the KAPRi
plus Mainframe, i. e. if the installation has more conductors than
selected, the KAPRi plus Mainframe will recognize this.
If connected conductors have been separated with the Selection
Switches, the respective red conductor LED (F) will light.
The error code for wrong switch setting is digit 6.
6.12 Battery (Error Code 7)
If the battery power is too low the KAPRi plus Mainframe will show
this in the numeric display (B). Testing can still be continued after
this message, just press the Error Key (H) to erase this message.
However, if the battery is not replaced by a new one the
battery voltage will no longer be sufficient for testing after
some time. In this case the numeric display will only display
a lighting bar.
The error display for low battery power is digit 7.