Système de contrôle et de mesure pour têtes d'abattage forestières
MTH-sequence with MTH clambs:
When MTH function is ON:
1. Tilt the head up or open it.
- clambs are closed
2. Take a stem to the head when the tilt is up.
( Press Tilt UP again if MTH function is AUTO )
Press Saw for making the felling cut.
- clambs open ( MTH-clambs open time in sawing ) and close
- tilt does not release to floating mode as it normally does when sawing.
3. Step 2 can be repeated once you have enough stems in the head.
4. Press Tilt down to release the tilt.
- clambs open ( MTH-clambs open time in tilt release ) and close.
- if you want to process the bunch and save the volume, press NEW STEM.
MTH-sequence with a normal head:
When MTH function is ON:
1. Take a stem to the head when the tilt is up.
( Press Tilt UP again if MTH function is AUTO )
Press Saw for making the felling cut.
- Head stays closed
- tilt does not release
2. Press HEAD OPEN
- Knives open, rollers stay closed
3. Grap another stem and press head close
- Knives close
-after Rollers opening delay time rollers open
- when Rollers opening time has elapsed, rollers close
4. saw the stem now completely in the head
5. Steps 2-4 can be repeated until you have enough stems in the head.
6. Press Tilt down to release the tilt.
- tilt up if you don't want to process bunch
- if you want to process the bunch and save the volume, press NEW STEM.
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