Product description
Biotec 30 is a multi-zone filter for large ponds up to 130 m³, or up
to 65 m³ for fish ponds. The arrangement of brushes, mats and
sponges in this filter accelerates the filtration of larger dirt parti-
cles. This allows the microorganisms to break down harmful nu-
trients more effectively.
In order to use the Biotec filter, it is necessary to fit the connect-
ing parts and washers. See Illustrations 1-4 at the end.
1. Inlet (Illustration 1):
Attach matching gasket (2) to the stepped hose adapter 1½"
(1) then screw together with inlet nozzle (3) from the inside.
Attach air hose (4). Fit matching gasket 2"(6) and reducer (7)
to the 2" stepped hose adapter 2" (5) and fit in the same way
as the 1½" stepped hose adapter. Caution: Slit opening of
inlet nozzle must point downwards!
2. Dirt outlet (Illustration 1):
Attach matching gasket (9) to outlet (8) and push into hole at
bottom of container. Screw tightly into place from the inside
using enclosed screws (10).
3. Clear water outlet (Illustration 2):
Push thread nipple (11) with washer (12) and matching gasket
1" (13) through the hole of the container from the inside. Fit a
gasket from the outside, too, and screw on ball cock (14).
4. Outlet (Illustration 2):
Insert seal ring (15) into borehole and push in outlet pipe DN
100 x 150 (16).The sealing lip must point to the inside. The
outlet pipe DN 100 x1 50 can be extended with 2 enclosed
pipes DN 100 x 500 (37).
5. Bitron 15/12 (Illustration 3):
In order to connect the Bitron 15/25, another 2 gaskets per
Bitron outlet have to be fitted (included in Biotec 30 inlet set) in
addition to the extension components included with the Bitron
15/25. Put the gasket 1½" (2) on the Bitron outlet and then fit
the spacer ring (17) and O-ring 48 x 4mm (18). Attach Bitron
15/25 at the boreholes in the container and press the O-Ring
48 x 4 (18) against the container wall from the inside. Screw
on inlet nozzle (3).
Direction for use