The total number of sample and hold intervals. Range: (0) to 999. When in Automatic mode, the
instrument stops after the last cycle is complete. A value of 0 makes the unit run continuously until
the user pushes the Select button.
Automatic: the instrument gets samples according to the stored parameters.
Manual: the instrument gets one sample and stops.
Beep: the instrument uses Automatic mode settings but ignores the count alarm settings. The unit
gives an audible beep for each particle counted.
4. Configure the options for Location, Data display, Communications, Data export and Alarm Setup
as necessary.
Start a sample process with normal view
Remove the protective cap from the inlet and attach the correct probe (if necessary) before starting a
sample process.
1. Navigate to the Sample screen icon.
2. Push the Select button to start the sample process.
The instrument begins the sample process with the default or stored Sample Setup values.
While the instrument takes samples, the display shows the sample status, current sample number
and the sample time that remains
Note: If the Sample Mode is set to Volume, the value for the sample time that remains is an estimated value
based on the Volume in Sample Setup.
3. Let the instrument complete the sample process. To cancel the sample process, push the
Select button again.
The instrument logs data to the data buffer. A status field shows errors (if any) that occurred in
the sample process.
Note: If the sample is manually terminated prior to completion, the data will not be saved.
Figure 6 Sample screen
Start a sample process in Trend graph view
In a trend graph, data are plotted in size and count values over time. The graph updates
automatically as new data is available. Historical data can also be plotted by location.
To plot particle size data in real time:
1. Push the Menu button and navigate to Trend Data, then push the Select button.
14 English
(Sample screen
on page 14).