Before ligh�ng your stove for first �me make sure you have read this manual fully and acquainted yourself
with the controls of this appliance. (see page 10)
The heat-resistant paint on your stove will cure and harden the first �me you light your appliance. The curing
process produces a good deal of smoke and odour, it is therefore important that the first �me you light your
stove the room should be well ven�lated. During the process it is important to open and close the stove door
periodically (every 30 mins) during the first couple of firings therefore preven�ng the door seal cord around the
door from s�cking and coming away from the door.
Once the heat-resistant paint has hardened the smell will disappear. This stove is NOT designed to be used
with the door open, the stove door must be kept closed except when ligh�ng the stove, adding firewood or
removing ash in order to prevent flue gases from escaping.
Ligh�ng your appliance
Quality Firelighters should be used when ligh�ng the stove. (Never use methylated spirit, petrol or other
flammable liquids).
Ligh�ng your stove with firelighters will be more reliable and easier than using paper.
1. Place two small dry split logs (¼ split) on the fire bed. Kindling stacked
as in the picture which allows combus�on air to flow freely and will aid
igni�on. On top of the kindling two or more non toxic firelighters.
2. Open air controls fully by sliding both levers to the right. The secondary
air control is above the stove door and the primary control is below the
door. The stove air controls are now fully open.
3. Light the firelighters and push door to closed posi�on. It maybe
necessary to unlatch the door un�l good igni�on has been achieved. Then
latch the door so it is fully closed.
4. Once the flames from the logs are fully established slide the primary air slider (below door) to the le� , this
closes off the primary air.
5. If the stove begins to die down and smoke when the primary is fully closed, open primary slider again un�l
fire is well established and then close the primary slider again.
6. Once established close the secondary air slider by 50%, for the stove to burn cleanly plenty of secondary air is
needed, do not be tempted to shut the fire down too early as this may cause smoke. At nominal heat output,
expect to refuel your stove approximately once an hour. Check load weights for your model on the table on
page 4.
The stove will get very hot during use and due care must therefore be exercised. Please use the glove and
opera�ng tool supplied when opera�ng air controls and door.
To re-fuel your stove in the cleanest way.
Only refuel your stove when flames have died down and you have glowing embers.
Before refuelling, open secondary air slider fully .
Open door gently, add one pieces of wood (see weight table page 4) and close the door.
Once the flames from the logs are fully established the secondary air supply can be adjusted to the desired
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