Also the „extended form" of the temperature
method is still as reliable as mechanical contracep-
tion methods. Here you can also have sexual inter-
course in the time from the begin of the period
up to six days before the temperature rise. To be
precise: calculate 6 days back from the earliest
temperature rise which you have determined from
at least 6 sequential cycles.
b.) The symptothermal method
In this conception, „thermal" stands for the previ-
ously described temperature method and is com-
bined here with the observation of a „symptom",
of secretion at the neck of the uterus. In particular,
menstruation is usually followed by a phase of
infertile „dry days" during which no so-called cer-
vical secretion can be observed. A few days before
the fertile phase, the secretion causes a moist
and sticky feeling at the entrance to the vagina,
the characteristics of which are thread-likeness,
transparency and strong liquefaction. If you can
make this observation 3-4 days before a (possibly
only flat) temperature rise, then you can rely on the
fact that this temperature rise is the correct one,
ovulation has occurred.
When using the „
Cyclotest Lady", please observe the
following points:
Start records on the first day of menstruation
– use a new period chart. The difference between
period and irregular bleeding is a typical fall in
Carry out measurements daily: in the morning
before getting up, if possible at approximately the
same time. Don't eat anything before taking the
measurement and avoid physical activity. In the
case of inadequate sleep (at least 5-6 hours) omit
the measurement and enter no value. As soon as
you have determined the degree of fluctuation
of the onset of your ovulation, you have enough
information for family planning or contraception
purposes if you take measurements every month
starting shortly before the earliest temperature rise
and continuing until the rise takes place as well as
carrying out checks during menstruation.