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230 Volt connection
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Connect the 230 Volt electrical equipment and then the circuit breaker in ac-
cordance with the 230 Volt connection diagram (Figure 9).
2 3 4
5 6
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Green/yellow protective earth connection and potential equalisation.
Conductor cross section 4 mm². Connect the cables without wire
terminating sleeves to the cage tension spring clamps.
13 A circuit breaker Cross cable section: 1.5 mm² All module A.
Connect the cables with wire terminating sleeves directly to the
circuit breaker.
For the MES 250-2/4 and MES 400-2/4: 16 A circuit breaker Cross
cable section: 2.5 mm²
For the MES 250-3 and MES 400-3: 30 mA differential circuit
breaker. Cross cable section: 1.5 mm² Note the N!
Lerchenfeldstr. 9 87600 Kaufbeuren Tel.: +49(0)8341 / 9764-0 Fax: +49(0)8341 / 67806
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