Preparing your harness
Installation of the reserve parachute
The connection of the rescue risers to the shoulder loops can
be done in different ways:
« Kite loop »
A lark's head connection is considered correct when the 2 loops are
A lark's head connection is considered correct when the 2 loops are
well centred to each other and tightened by hand as tightly as
well centred to each other and tightened by hand as tightly as
possible. There should be no relative movement possible between
possible. There should be no relative movement possible between
the 2 parts.
the 2 parts.
« T-Bone Link »
Flexible connectors must not be used on straps wider than 25mm.
Flexible connectors must not be used on straps wider than 25mm.
For quick links, refer to the manufacturer's recommendations.
For quick links, refer to the manufacturer's recommendations.
It is imperative to choose connectors wisely. The dimensions
and shape must be adapted to the connecting straps of the
harness and to the rescue risers of the parachute, so that the
effort under load is applied in an optimal way.
« Quick links »
« Soft-Link »
The reserve risers of the ventral parachute can also be
connected to the main anchorage points.
We recommend using a connection system separate from the
main canopy connectors.
A minimum resistance of 2400daN is imperative for any
A minimum resistance of 2400daN is imperative for any
connector used in the "rescue-lift" link. For the "risers-safety
connector used in the "rescue-lift" link. For the "risers-safety
harness" link: 1200daN.
harness" link: 1200daN.
KUIK III: Cocoon version
(Available as an option)
In the cocoon version, the KUIK III has an emergency container
integrated in the cocoon.
The volume of the integrated container lets you carry a rescue
parachute with a volume of between 2.6L and 4,6L. If a
parachute with a volume exceeding the maximum permissible
volume is fitted, its correct deployment cannot be guaranteed.
When using a dirigible rescue parachute with integrated risers,
these integrated risers must be connected directly. Shoulder
mounting can be carried out as described above.
Please refer to the manufacturer's installation and usage
More detailed information is available at
More detailed information is available at